5 NLP Tasks for Model Development

Get a grip on the Natural Language Processing landscape! Start your NLP journey with this Periodic Table of 80+ NLP tasks

Rob van Zoest


Periodic Table of Natural Language Processing Tasks by www.innerdoc.com and created with the Periodic Table Creator
Periodic Table of Natural Language Processing Tasks is created with the Periodic Table Creator

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published the first Periodic Table in 1869. Now it’s time for the NLP tasks to be organized in the Periodic Table style!

The variation and structure of NLP tasks is endless. Still, you can think about building NLP Pipelines based on standard NLP tasks and dividing them into groups. But what do these tasks entail?

More than 80 frequently used NLP tasks are explained!

Group 9 : NLP Model Development

43. Training Models

Training NLP models is a broad topic. It’s best to start light and improve later. You can start by building a rulebased model for two hours and experience how good it scores. Take this as a baseline score. Then try to improve this with a simple technique like a regression model. If you want to elaborate further, try training a deeplearning model.

The more complex your model, the longer the training time. More performance requires better hardware. Instead of CPU you might need GPU’s or TPU’s.



Rob van Zoest

Founder @ innerdoc.com | NLP Expert-Engineer-Enthusiast | Writes about how to get value from textual data | linkedin.com/in/robvanzoest/