AI Paints Progress

3 min readJun 15, 2024


Imagine a classroom where every student progresses at their own pace, challenged but not overwhelmed. No more one-size-fits-all tasks and talks. The future of education, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), is here to stay. It is set to transform teaching, student learning, and school leadership in myriad ways. But how exactly?

AI is revolutionizing education by personalizing learning experiences, creating content, generating assessments, grading with feedback, tracking progress, and streamlining administrative tasks. Teachers must embrace AI to unlock the full potential of every student.

The rise of AI should inspire us, not intimidate us. It offers a canvas for human expression that is infinitely expandable — Chat GPT

AI allows for a deep understanding of each student’s interests, needs, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. By analysing data from quizzes, assignments, and classroom interactions, AI can pinpoint where support is needed, much like a diagnostic tool.

Adaptive Learning and Individualized Learning Journeys: Adaptive learning ensures that no student is left with knowledge gaps. AI adjusts the difficulty level of assignments and suggests targeted practice problems based on performance. This continuous adjustment keeps students engaged, avoiding frustration from material that is too easy or too hard. For example, a student struggling with a math concept might receive guided practice problems, explanatory videos, or alternative teaching methods, while an excelling student is given more challenging problems.

Personalized learning is not about having each student learn different things, but about ensuring each student learns the same thing differently — Carol Ann Tomlinson

AI can create individualized learning journeys that guide students through the curriculum efficiently. By assessing each student’s prior knowledge, learning style, and pace, AI recommends specific modules and activities. This ensures students focus on areas needing improvement, maximizing understanding and retention without wasting time on concepts they already grasp.

Real-Time Feedback and Data-Driven Insights: AI-driven tools provide instant feedback for assignments and quizzes, helping students understand and correct mistakes immediately. This not only reinforces learning but also offers timely support, enhancing the overall learning experience.

AI systems track and analyse student behaviours and learning patterns, collecting data on engagement levels, time spent on tasks, and interaction patterns. This analysis helps identify trends, predict future performance, and offer insights into the most effective instructional strategies. Teachers can use this data to tailor their approach, incorporating more visual aids, for instance, if a student learns better through visuals.

Personalized Tutoring and Gamification: AI tutors offer personalized attention similar to human tutors, providing detailed explanations, asking probing questions, and giving hints tailored to a student’s understanding level. “Ask a doubt” options further ensure students receive the right guidance and questions to stimulate critical thinking.

Technology will never replace great teachers, but in the hands of great teachers, it’s transformational — George Couros

AI can enhance learning through gamification, incorporating points, badges, leader boards, and challenges tailored to each student’s preferences. This makes learning more exciting and motivates students by allowing them to compete against their previous scores or peers.

Overall, AI frees teachers from tedious administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on connecting with students personally. It is not about replacing teachers but empowering them to create dynamic, engaging classroom environments where every student thrives. Embracing AI in personalized learning fosters an inclusive, responsive learning journey, helping all students reach their full potential.

Hence, AI’s integration in teaching learning heralds a transformative era, making 1:1 personalized learning a reality. By leveraging AI, teachers can ensure every student receives the necessary support and challenges, fostering an inclusive and effective learning environment. Embracing AI makes the learning journey joyful and also prepares students for an AI-driven future.

AI is not about man versus machine. It’s about man with machine. And when teachers harness AI, they magnify their impact — Eric Schmidt

About the author: Gayethri Mote is a Teacher Educator and an expert on Learning Skills at Coschool.




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