Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Tech

How AI Tutors Are Reinventing the Gurukul Experience

3 min readJul 17, 2024


The evolution of teaching and learning in India has been remarkable, transitioning from the ancient Gurukul system to today’s AI tutors. This journey reflects a continuous adaptation to societal needs and technological advancements.

Remember the tales of Gurukuls? Students lived with their gurus, learning not just academic subjects but life wisdom. It was personal, experiential, and holistic. Fast-forward to the British era, and we see the birth of formal schools. While structured, they often prioritized memorization over understanding — a factory model of education.

Growing up, many of us relied on private tuitions for extra support. These sessions provided the personal attention we craved but often at a high cost.

Then came the digital revolution. Online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) opened up a world of knowledge to anyone with internet access. It was a game-changer, especially for those in remote areas. The pandemic further accelerated online learning.

Now, entering the era of AI tutors, these digital mentors are reshaping how students learn:

1. Personalized learning: AI tutors adapt to each student’s needs, making learning more engaging and effective. They analyse performance data to create tailored content, ensuring every student progresses at their own pace. For example, if an AI tutor identifies a student struggling with physics numerical problems, it provides extra practice, making learning challenging yet rewarding.

2. Always available: Imagine having a tutor ready to help 24/7! This flexibility is particularly beneficial for students juggling multiple responsibilities or night owls who work best outside traditional hours.

3. Consistent guidance: Unlike humans, AI doesn’t have off days. It provides reliable, accurate information and feedback every time, helping students build a solid foundation of knowledge without gaps.

4. Encouraging deep understanding: AI tutors guide students to find solutions, boosting confidence and comprehension. They use techniques like scaffolding and Socratic questioning to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For instance, when tackling a tricky math problem, the AI tutor offers hints and questions to help find the solution independently.

5. Breaking barriers: AI tutors can reach thousands of students, bridging geographic and socioeconomic gaps. This is particularly valuable in areas with teacher shortages or limited educational resources, providing quality education globally.

6. Safe space for questions: No more fear of asking ‘silly’ questions in class. AI tutors create a judgment-free environment where students can explore topics deeply and make mistakes without embarrassment or feel intimidated by peers.

7. Making learning fun: With interactive exercises and videos, including Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), education becomes an adventure. For example, AR can simulate historical events, allowing students to experience them virtually, while VR can create immersive environments for science experiments.

8. Affordable education: Often free or low-cost, AI tutors democratize quality education. This levels the playing field, giving students from all backgrounds access to high-quality educational support.

However, let’s be clear — AI tutors are not here to replace teachers. They’re tools to enhance teaching. While they handle routine tasks, teachers can focus on what they do best: inspiring, motivating, and connecting with students.

As we embrace this new technology, teachers must balance it with the human touch that makes teaching special. By combining the best of both worlds, teachers can create a learning environment that’s personalized, effective, and deeply human.

The future of education is exciting, and teachers are at the forefront of this change. Using AI tutors wisely can shape a brighter future for education and empower students.

About the author: Gayethri Mote is a Teacher Educator and an expert on Learning Skills at Coschool.




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