Beyond School Walls: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

3 min readDec 6, 2023


In contemporary education, a significant challenge is the ‘knowing-doing gap’ (KD gap), which highlights the disparity between theoretical knowledge gained in schools and the practical skills required in everyday life. This issue is further complicated by the ‘Endless Student Syndrome,’ a concept introduced by coaching specialist Tache. It describes the dilemma of perpetual learning without practical application, leading to a cycle of endless learning with limited practical skills.

In today’s world, where information is abundant and easily accessible, students often become overwhelmed and stray from their original learning objectives. The addiction to over-consuming information can impede the development of practical skills. This underscores the need for a balanced educational approach that emphasizes not just the intake of information but also its practical application.

To tackle these challenges, teachers must integrate real-life applications into their teaching methods. This approach prepares students for the complexities of life beyond academia. For instance, in environmental studies, engaging students in local tree-planting initiatives or recycling projects makes classroom concepts more tangible and reinforces theoretical knowledge while instilling a sense of responsibility and real-world impact.

Recognizing and nurturing each student’s individual skills and interests is also crucial. For example, a student with a talent for storytelling and digital media could be guided towards projects that involve creating documentaries or digital storytelling. This integration of academic learning with practical application makes education more engaging and relevant, preparing students for real-world challenges.

In history classes, applying knowledge through debates or reflective discussions about the implications of historical events in the modern world is important. Inviting guest speakers and engaging students in service-learning projects not only deepens understanding but also hones critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

An education system that overemphasizes theory can disconnect students from the practical relevance of their studies. Conversely, a curriculum focusing solely on practical skills, without a strong theoretical foundation, can leave students ill-prepared to understand the broader context of their actions. Incorporating technology in the classroom, such as interactive simulations in physics classes to demonstrate principles of aerodynamics, effectively bridges the theoretical and practical divide.

To combat the Endless Student Syndrome, Tache advocates moving from passive absorption of information to active application. This involves setting specific goals — purposeful learning, limiting information intake to what is necessary, and encouraging students to share their work for feedback and growth. By doing so, we prepare students not just for exams, but for life, equipping them to navigate and contribute meaningfully to the world.

To sum up, the future of education hinges on successfully bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By emphasizing real-life application and addressing the Endless Student Syndrome, learning can transform into an active, engaging, and relevant experience. This approach prepares students to be responsible, skilled, and adaptable individuals, ensuring they are not only knowledgeable but also proficient in applying their learning in meaningful ways.

About the author: Gayethri Mote is a Teacher Educator and an expert on Learning Skills at Coschool.




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