Delphi-dialogue patient professionals

Josep Monguet Fierro
innex EN
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2022

June 2022

SERMEF has launched the Delphi-dialogue Patients-Professionals (DdPP) project, an innex NOW, with the aim of assessing the coincidences and differences in the points of view between users and health professionals on the value of the service received in MFRH (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) and on their preferences.

When comparing the results of the survey on the different aspects of the service to those affected by Brain Injury, answered by patients and professionals, some of the conclusions that stand out are the following:

  • The patient is not afraid of technology, and Whatsapp is their favorite.
  • The professional has a paternalistic model that the patient does not want.
  • The non-presential experience needs to be improved.
  • 1 in 5 professionals does not see the importance of health education.

A comparative analysis based on superimposing the graphs has made it possible to visualize the differences in the views of patients and professionals.
The DdPP project aims to facilitate alignment between patients, in all their diversity, and professionals in order to improve health services in a collaborative way. Professionals have their own vision of the service they provide, but they need to understand the patient’s vision, which need not necessarily coincide with their own, and which must be taken into account.

A comparative analysis based on superimposing the graphs has made it possible to visualize the differences in the views of patients and professionals.

One of the areas where there is room for innovation is in patient-centered care. The case has been made for the need to involve patients in their own health, and the benefits of doing so, and it is time to start acting. In this sense, the DdPP project on brain damage aims to provide the first element of work, which is fundamental in that it is an essential starting point for prioritizing the innovation projects to be undertaken.

There are multiple challenges, and it is the professional who must take the lead in the change that the care model needs:

  • Improving the non-presential experience, designing and validating models of semi-presential care.
  • Extend home care as part of the continuity of care.
  • Activate health education, especially through video.
  • Do not forget to ask the patient systematically.

The raison d’être of the project, presented at the 62nd SERMEF congress in Cordoba, is to help MFRH professionals to be part of the explosion of innovation in which we find ourselves, which is growing and which will allow us to offer patients the best possible service.



Josep Monguet Fierro
innex EN
Editor for

Professor at the UPC. Founder of “Onsanity” and “innex”. Experience in digital healthcare innovation. Research coordinator of “Master Barcelona Design” UPC-UB.