How AVOD OTT VAST Ads Work: Implementing VAST Ads on Video Player with Innocrux Video Streaming Solution

Innocrux Tech Blogs
7 min readMay 29, 2024
Unlocking AVOD OTT VAST Ads with Innocrux

As over-the-top (OTT) video ads continue to rise in importance, grasping the intricacies of AVOD (Advertising-Based Video On Demand) and VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) becomes crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their advertising revenue. This article explores the realm of AVOD OTT VAST ads and explains how Innocrux Video Solutions can streamline the implementation and management of diverse ad formats effortlessly.

What Are OTT Ads?

OTT ads are advertisements delivered through over-the-top media services, which are streaming platforms that offer content directly over the internet. Unlike traditional cable or satellite TV, OTT services bypass conventional distribution methods, providing viewers with the flexibility to watch content on various devices, including smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers. Popular OTT platforms include:

  • Netflix: Known for its subscription model (SVOD), Netflix occasionally explores ad-supported models in some markets.
  • Hulu: Offers both subscription and ad-supported tiers, making it a hybrid platform.
  • Amazon Prime Video: Primarily subscription-based but includes advertising in some regions.
  • Disney+: Recently introduced an ad-supported tier to expand its revenue streams.

OTT ads leverage advanced targeting capabilities, allowing advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This precision targeting leads to more effective advertising campaigns compared to traditional TV ads.

What Is AVOD?

AVOD stands for Advertising-Based Video on Demand. In this model, users can access video content for free but must watch advertisements at regular intervals. The revenue generated from these ads supports the content providers, allowing them to offer free or reduced-cost access to viewers. AVOD is an attractive option for users who prefer not to pay subscription fees and are willing to watch ads in exchange for free content.

What Is AVOD in Media?

In media, AVOD refers to platforms that rely on advertising revenue to provide free content to viewers. Examples of AVOD platforms include:

  • YouTube: The largest AVOD platform globally, offering a vast range of content funded by ads.
  • Tubi: A free streaming service with a large library of movies and TV shows, supported entirely by ads.
  • Peacock: NBCUniversal’s streaming service that offers both free and premium tiers, with the free tier supported by ads.

AVOD platforms attract a large audience by offering free access to a vast library of content, monetized through ads. This model allows advertisers to reach a broad and diverse audience, making it an appealing option for brands looking to maximize their reach.

What Is the Difference Between AVOD and SVOD?

The primary difference between AVOD and SVOD lies in their revenue models and user experience:

AVOD (Advertising-Based Video on Demand):

  • Content is free to access.
  • Viewers are required to watch ads.
  • Revenue is generated from advertisers.
  • Examples: YouTube, Tubi, Peacock (free tier).

SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand):

  • Users pay a subscription fee to access content.
  • Typically, content is ad-free.
  • Revenue is generated from user subscriptions.
  • Examples: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+.

The Role of VAST in OTT and AVOD Advertising

What Are VAST Ads?

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized protocol used to serve video ads across different platforms and devices. Developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), VAST ensures that ads can be delivered seamlessly, regardless of the player’s technology or the device being used. This standardization is crucial for maintaining consistent ad delivery and measurement across the fragmented digital landscape.

Understanding VAST Ads with an Example

What Are VAST Ads?

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is an XML-based protocol used to serve video ads across different platforms and devices. It ensures ads are delivered consistently, regardless of the player’s technology or device.

Sample VAST File

Here is a basic example of a VAST file:

<VAST version="4.0"> <Ad id="12345"> <InLine> <AdSystem version="1.0">Sample Ad Server</AdSystem> <AdTitle>Sample Video Ad</AdTitle> <Description>This is a sample VAST ad</Description> <Impression> <![CDATA[]]> </Impression> <Creatives> <Creative sequence="1" id="1"> <Linear> <Duration>00:00:30</Duration> <TrackingEvents> <Tracking event="start"> <![CDATA[]]> </Tracking> <Tracking event="firstQuartile"> <![CDATA[]]> </Tracking> <Tracking event="midpoint"> <![CDATA[]]> </Tracking> <Tracking event="thirdQuartile"> <![CDATA[]]> </Tracking> <Tracking event="complete"> <![CDATA[]]> </Tracking> </TrackingEvents> <VideoClicks> <ClickThrough> <![CDATA[]]> </ClickThrough> </VideoClicks> <MediaFiles> <MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" bitrate="500" width="640" height="360"> <![CDATA[]]> </MediaFile> </MediaFiles> </Linear> </Creative> </Creatives> </InLine> </Ad> </VAST>

Explanation of Key Components

  • <VAST>: Root element indicating the VAST version.
  • <Ad>: Contains the ad details, with a unique ID.
  • <InLine>: Indicates the ad is provided directly in the VAST response.
  • <AdSystem>: Specifies the ad server delivering the ad.
  • <AdTitle>: Human-readable title for the ad.
  • <Description>: Brief description of the ad content.
  • <Impression>: URL pinged when the ad impression is recorded.
  • <Creatives>: Contains one or more <Creative> elements, defining the ad creative.
  • <Linear>: Indicates a linear video ad.
  • <Duration>: Length of the video ad.
  • <TrackingEvents>: URLs to be pinged at specific points during ad playback.
  • <VideoClicks>: URL to be opened when the ad is clicked.
  • <MediaFiles>: Specifies the video file to be played.

How VAST ad tag URL works: The video player requests a VAST ad from the ad server.

  1. VAST Response: The ad server returns a VAST XML document.
  2. Ad Parsing: The player parses the VAST XML to display the ad.
  3. Impression Tracking: The player pings the <Impression> URL when the ad starts.
  4. Ad Playback: The player retrieves and plays the video from the <MediaFile> URL.
  5. Tracking Events: The player pings tracking URLs at specified events (start, midpoint, etc.).
  6. Clickthrough: If clicked, the <ClickThrough> URL is opened.

Implementing VAST Ads in a Video Player

To integrate VAST ads into a video player, follow these steps:

  1. Ad Request: Configure the video player to request a VAST ad from the ad server when the video starts or at specified intervals.
  2. Parsing VAST Response: Use an XML parser to read the VAST response and extract the ad details, including the media file URL, tracking events, and click-through URL.
  3. Loading and Playing the Ad: Load the video ad file specified in the <MediaFile> element and play it in the video player.
  4. Tracking Events: Implement event listeners in the player to ping the tracking URLs at the appropriate times (e.g., start, first quartile, midpoint, third quartile, complete).
  5. Handling Clicks: Capture click events on the ad and redirect the viewer to the URL specified in the <ClickThrough> element.

Here’s a basic example using JavaScript to demonstrate how you might implement VAST ad integration in a HTML5 video player:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>VAST Ad Example</title> </head> <body> <video id="videoPlayer" width="640" height="360" controls> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> <script> const videoPlayer = document.getElementById('videoPlayer'); const vastUrl = ''; // URL to fetch the VAST XML fetch(vastUrl) .then(response => response.text()) .then(vastXML => { const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(vastXML, 'text/xml'); const mediaFileUrl = xmlDoc.querySelector('MediaFile').textContent; const impressionUrl = xmlDoc.querySelector('Impression').textContent; const clickThroughUrl = xmlDoc.querySelector('ClickThrough').textContent; // Load the ad video videoPlayer.src = mediaFileUrl; // Ping the impression URL when the ad starts videoPlayer.addEventListener('play', () => { fetch(impressionUrl); }); // Ping tracking events videoPlayer.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => { const currentTime = videoPlayer.currentTime; const duration = videoPlayer.duration; if (currentTime >= duration * 0.25 && !videoPlayer.firstQuartileTracked) { fetch(xmlDoc.querySelector('Tracking[event="firstQuartile"]').textContent); videoPlayer.firstQuartileTracked = true; } if (currentTime >= duration * 0.50 && !videoPlayer.midpointTracked) { fetch(xmlDoc.querySelector('Tracking[event="midpoint"]').textContent); videoPlayer.midpointTracked = true; } if (currentTime >= duration * 0.75 && !videoPlayer.thirdQuartileTracked) { fetch(xmlDoc.querySelector('Tracking[event="thirdQuartile"]').textContent); videoPlayer.thirdQuartileTracked = true; } }); // Open click-through URL on ad click videoPlayer.addEventListener('click', () => {; }); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error loading VAST:', error)); </script> </body> </html>

Innocrux Ads Manager and VAST Implementation

Innocrux Ads Manager offers a robust solution for managing advertising campaigns across OTT platforms. By integrating with VAST (Video Ad Serving Template), it enables seamless delivery and optimization of video ads to target audiences effectively.

Innocrux AVOD VAST Manager

How Innocrux Ads Manager Works

  1. Campaign Setup: Advertisers can create campaigns within the Innocrux Ads Manager, defining parameters such as target demographics, ad formats, and budget allocation.
  2. Ad Creative Upload: Ad creatives, including video ads, are uploaded to the platform. Innocrux Ads Manager supports various ad formats and ensures compatibility with VAST standards.
  3. Targeting and Optimization: Using advanced targeting capabilities, advertisers can reach specific audiences based on factors like location, interests, and viewing habits. The platform continuously optimizes campaigns to maximize ad performance and ROI.
  4. Real-Time Analytics: Innocrux Ads Manager provides real-time analytics and insights into campaign performance. Advertisers can monitor key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
  5. VAST Integration: Innocrux seamlessly integrates with VAST, a standardized protocol for serving video ads. This integration ensures that ads can be delivered across various OTT platforms and devices, maintaining a consistent viewing experience for users.
  6. Ad Placement and Scheduling: Advertisers can specify ad placement and scheduling preferences within the Innocrux platform. This includes selecting specific timeslots, frequency capping, and ad insertion points within video content.
  7. Monetization for Publishers: For content publishers, Innocrux offers monetization opportunities through ad placements. Publishers can leverage the platform to monetize their content inventory while maintaining control over the ad experience for their audience.

By leveraging the capabilities of Innocrux Ads Manager and VAST integration, advertisers can effectively reach their target audience with engaging video ads, maximizing their impact and driving results in the competitive landscape of OTT advertising.


OTT and AVOD have revolutionized the way video content is consumed and monetized. By understanding the intricacies of these models and leveraging technologies like VAST, advertisers can effectively reach and engage their target audience. Whether you’re an advertiser looking to maximize your reach or a content provider seeking to monetize your platform, OTT and AVOD offer compelling opportunities in the evolving digital landscape.

As the industry continues to evolve, staying informed about these trends and technologies will be crucial for maximizing the potential of digital advertising. By embracing OTT, AVOD, and VAST, you can position your brand for success in the ever-changing world of digital media.



Innocrux Tech Blogs

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