You’re not who we see you as

Charlie Beaumont
Mythical Tales
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2020


Online identities

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Identity. Online we’re charismatic, charming, quick and witty. But in real life with a Donald Trump of our friends. I’m here to point out to you in multiple ways that your identity changes on different social media types, for example, you cannot be the same person on Twitter as you can on Instagram because I don’t look like my Instagram Brad Pit does, or maybe it is Brad Pit’s pictures with a great comment underneath. Whatever. The fact of the matter is You can’t be yourself on social media.

Personality types on social media

Alice Hall has a theory that there are three traits that people have social media.
Extraversion: sociability.
Neuroticism: fearful avoidance
Psychoticism: hostility and aggression
On this spectrum of traits, and where you fall on, it decides what social media you enjoy more. For example, someone that enjoys sociability might take more to Facebook as there are more people to socialise there with.

So what do we get from using these social media’s, well the answer is clear: Socialisation. Research has found that heavy users of social media sit higher on the scale of extraversion. Of course, less interaction with social media, the lower you are on that scale.



Charlie Beaumont
Mythical Tales

A writer of Consumer Behaviour, Psychology and Mental Health. Dabbling in poetry and short stories.