Finding The Right Idea For Your Start-up

Any business is built around an idea. Do you have your own business idea? or Are you planning to come up with one?

Sindhuja Poorni. K. S
Innodev Technologies
4 min readSep 22, 2017



The first step towards building your own start-up is coming up with the right business idea. You never run out of ideas. You might get that brilliant idea while you’re sleeping, at work, simply walking or sometimes, they might even hit you when you’re least expecting it.

All ideas aren’t the same and that’s why you need to find the right idea for building a business around it.

Here are a few tips to finding that brilliant business idea:

  1. Where to start looking for ideas?

Ask the following questions to yourself:

— Is my idea for a product going to satisfy a requirement in the market?

— Who will be interested in buying my product/service?

— Will the market requirement be constant or go out-of-date sometimes in the future?

— How unique will my product/service be, compared to others in market?

— What is the competition out in the market?

2. Don’t take any ideas for granted

The ideas that seem trivial at the start might have a great market value few years from now. So never drop any ideas even if they seem very simple.

If you feel you’ve hit the idea jackpot, then think over the change your product could bring to the economy. Start scrutinizing your ideas and understand its effect on the business economy and the business potential around it.

Once you classify your ideas and prioritize them accordingly, you’ll come up with a good understanding about each of these business ideas. This will help you narrow down to one valuable idea or come up with a new one worth making a successful business.

3. Find what exactly is missing in the world

You would’ve probably noticed that before the onset of food delivery services, it was pretty frustrating to go down to the restaurant to buy some food. Similarly, before the taxi booking applications came into the picture, riding a taxi wasn’t enjoyable.

Yes, those start-ups exactly knew the loophole in the business market and filled them on the right time.

But that’s already over, a thing from the past! Did you find what the world is missing right now? It’s never late if you haven’t yet.

4. How to find the market gap?

To start searching for the right “market gap” you can consider the following attributes of the business economy.

The business world is entirely devoid of something.

There’s a scope to greatly improvise something that already exists.

Find a new market potential for an existing business.

It might seem very difficult to find that exact market gap. But in reality, the market gap lies just in front of you. The trick is to pick the right one that goes with your skill set and the available resources.

5. Where to start looking?

You can’t find that great product idea, unless you set your foot into the business world and start exploring the various possibilities. You should start talking to many budding entrepreneurs, interact with people and get to know the difficulties commonly faced by the people, and always look out for better tools/products that could make a process much easier.

It’s almost like a jigsaw puzzle and you need to set out to find the missing pieces.

It takes some time and a lot of effort to explore, learn, and eventually, discover the right market gap.

Start looking at various places, like trending problems in the society, new technological advancements for business, try to create combination of businesses, lookout for hidden businesses opportunities, and start looking around yourselves, before thinking globally.

6. Start thinking ahead of time

Successful business solutions/products are always based on the evaluation of future economy. They always depend on two kinds of ideas — apparent to succeed and non-obvious to succeed.

You have to set out to evaluate the future of the business world and come up the most likely possibilities of the futuristic business economy.

Think up as many futuristic business economy possibilities as you can. Start analyzing about how your product/service will grow across that timeline and sustain in the market.

This will give you a clear picture about the possibility of your idea turning into a successful business product. If your software solution does great in that futuristic business world then-

Eureka! You’ve got the right product idea.

Thanks for reading! To learn more about building your own start-up business check out our e-book “The Definitive Guide To Building Your Own Innovative Software Product

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