InnoMobility: I Love Thinking of Transit as a Family of Services

Spark a conversation about who is expert in microtransit

John Warner
3 min readFeb 21, 2021


Spark a Conversation About Who Is Expert in Microtransit

This week Steve Yaffe made his first post to the InnoMobility LinkedIn Group about an interesting concept he calls microtransit.

Spark a conversation by commenting on his post and linking people you know on LinkedIn who will also find the conversation interesting.

I love the idea of “transit as a family of services.”

It’s sparks lots of ideas about entrepreneurial transit services. Let’s get a conversation going around this.

Steve’s post reminded me of an earlier post of mine, “Where Is Your Best Entrepreneurial Opportunity?” I made the point you’re more likely to make a fortune selling pickaxes and blue jeans to miners than being a miner who strikes gold. You’re more likely to be Levi Strauss than Elon Musk.

This week I found a company that is the kind of service I had in mind that is part of a “family of services.” BatteryXchange: A Great Example of a Pickaxes and Blue Jeans Business.

BatteryXchange focuses on batteries for phones and other electrical devices, but you can easily see a similar company evolving around electric vehicles. Steve identifies several types of entrepreneurial transit businesses as part of a family of services:

  • carshare,
  • bike and scooter share,
  • booking and payment systems,
  • improved range smaller vehicles, and
  • transit hubs with charging stations.

Steve also calls this “geofenced demand response microtransit.” I know what he means, but that made me chuckle. That’s geeky enough for even the geekiest in this group.

I’d like to hear your ideas about other great microstransit business opportunities.

Crowdfunding to get started

Finding the seed capital to get an entrepreneurial company started is not easy. Recently I have gotten interested crowdfunding and wrote about what I have learned in “Can You Crowdfund Electric Vehicle Innovations?” If you find this interesting, let’s talk.

There are 20 million mobility-related professionals on LinkedIn.

Can those in this group work together to crowdfund a microstransit business?

That would be really cool.

Apple Car

John Blackburn posted about Apple and cars in a followup to his earlier post Apple is finalizing a deal with Hyundai-Kia. Well that deal turned out not to be true. This industry is the wild west right now. The question I asked last week remains:

Who do we know who can help us get engaged with either Apple or Hyundai-Kia’s electric vehicle programs? Link them to a comment on John’s post.

Musk Doesn’t Have People Around Him Who Say No

Here again is a post by Constantine Khripin about an interview exploring, “How does Elon Musk do it?” Musk is the entrepreneurial phenom of our time who is definitely conversation worthy.

What do you think? Comment and let Constantine know.

Forward this email and invite colleagues to the group

Please help grow the InnoMobility Group by forwarding this email to others interested in participating. Nothing is more credible than a personal introduction from you.

Thanks for being a member of InnoMobility. Stay safe and warm.

John Warner



John Warner

Serial entrepreneur sharing 40 years of insights to control your destiny in our turbulent times