InnoMobility: Where Do You Find Your Best Opportunity?

John Warner
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2021

The weekly update of mobility connections

How can this help you? How can you help someone else?

This week I ran smack into organizational silos — large companies, universities, and government agencies with entrenched systems, procedures, and cultures. As fast as the world of mobility is changing, most of the knowledge that is key to success is outside of any given organization. Eric Hoffer observed, “In times of change, learners inherit the earth; the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

As individuals, change creates opportunities as well as threats for us. There are enormous, emerging opportunities all around us for those with the vision and courage to realize them. There are also threats, as organizations pivot to changing markets, eliminating whole business segments and the jobs that go with them.

It’s in our interest to help the organization we work for or study in today to stay connected with those driving change in the mobility industry. It is also in our personal interest to stay well connected because we never know when our current situation will change in ways we don’t control.

The LinkedIn InnoMobility Group is a great way to stay connected. There are 20 million people with mobility-related words in their LinkedIn profiles. Collectively we know a good many of them. Let’s use this InnoMobility Group to help one another identify valuable connections in the industry.

Please forward this email to others interested in participating in the InnoMobility Group. Nothing is more credible than a personal introduction from you.

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Where is your best opportunity? Where should others be looking?

This week I observed that more people made money in the 1849 California gold rush selling pickaxes, shovels, and blue jeans to the miners than people did actually mining for gold. Where Is Your Best Entrepreneurial Opportunity In Electric and Autonomous Vehicles? You’re more likely to build a fortune being the next Levi Strauss than you are being the next Elon Musk.

Where do you see the best entrepreneurial opportunity to make money in the transformation of mobility? Maybe that is your current organization, if you are at liberty to discuss it. Maybe it’s the company or research of a friend or acquaintance you think has real potential. Perhaps it’s something you’ve read about and want to know if anyone else in the group knows more.

I’d love for you to comment on my article and let me know where you see the best opportunities.

Even better, start your own post to the InnoMobility Group to engage others in exploring opportunities with you.

InnoMobility member posts

John Blackburn posted that Apple is finalizing a deal with Hyundai-Kia, only to have Hyundai-Kia come back, “not so fast, there’s no deal.” Wow. Someone muffed up that announcement. This raises a bigger question.

Who do we know who can help us get engaged with either Apple or Hyundai-Kia’s electric vehicle programs?

Constantine Khripin posted a link to an interview exploring, “How does Elon Musk do it?

Comment on Constantine’s post with your own thoughts. Post something yourself to the InnoMobility Group suggesting who members can connect with around Tesla.

Fred Payne posted this week about Greenville, SC being a leader in advanced mobility. Fred has been a visionary mover and shaker for years. If you don’t know Fred, you should. Click on his name and connect with him on LinkedIn.

Stay warm.

Thanks for being a member of InnoMobility. Stay warm, and engage with someone else in the InnoMobility Group this week. It’s why we’re here.

John Warner



John Warner

Serial entrepreneur sharing 40 years of insights to control your destiny in our turbulent times