A Natural Lover

General Zheng
The Innostation Publication
1 min readMar 1, 2024

2024, February 29

You say you are not the best person to look at for art references

Yet I would most likely disagree with that statement

Your face is almost perfection in the sensation of a goddess

Your eyes as if the pond ripples to the words of love

Your smile tainted with a smudged blur of red

You say that you are annoying and nobody likes a girl like you

But you have no idea how I obsess day and night to the thought of you

Thinking of you tortures my soul as I yearn for your sight

I would do almost anything just as you ask

You say you are no natural lover too

That, I would also argue upon

You are so kind that you shine so brilliantly under the spotlights

So native to that darling look in the sparkles of your eyes

And you love so instinctively too

The hugs and kiss so comfortable and genuine

Of course, nonetheless

I would have never known the answer to your last statement

As you are a natural lover, it seems so

Just not to me

And all the observations I make shall forever remain observations

As you are a natural lover

Yet just never to me

