Considering Becoming a Writer?

Saara Sherazi
The Innostation Publication
3 min readJul 11, 2023

Look here for the necessary details.

So you’ve decided that you want to join the cult. Wonderful, and here’s a warm welcome. Don’t worry- we’ll make sure you never leave.

Still here? Man, you’re persistent.

I am joking, though. Mostly.

The writer program is designed to allow for budding writers to recieve support and join a community of like-minded individuals who are somehow better at roasting you than an actual cult would be over their open flame they use for their sacrifices.

Alright, alright, I’ll quit it with the cult jokes. For now.

Writers post work at least once a month. If that doesn’t suit you, that’s no issue. We understand that you’re probably a broke student whose parents are begging you to do something that doesn’t involve your bed or the couch, and we won’t mention the fridge.

Writing does count for volunteer hours, which is pretty neat. The conversion is for every two minutes of Medium estimated reading time, one hour of community service time is recieved.

Writers are allowed to write pretty much whatever they want- articles, stories, poems, and more! There’s a lot of variety on the Innostation Publication, and all opinions are accepted!

Unless your opinion is wrong.

I’m looking at you, chocolate haters. Yes, you. You know who you are. Don’t even try to deny it.

All jokes aside, we would absolutely love it if you shared your ideas. We value all of our writers.

As the one who onboards the majority of writers and does most of the communication with writers, I can say with full confidence that I want each and every one of our writers to succeed in what they want, and if the Innostation Publication can help them, it would make me so happy.

Man, maybe I need to take a nap. Simply writing that aged me by about a century.

It’s actually pretty easy to become a writer. There is a contract, but don’t worry, we do let you to sign it in Ketchup instead of blood. Fake blood works too.

Or pen. That’s allowed.

The contract is here:

Make sure to download it and edit it in whatever program you wish! We do allow for e-signatures, and so long as it’s signed, we count it.

We hope you’ll consider writing for Innostation :)

What? You thought the cult memes were over? Never. Cult memes never die. Never.

Anyhow, join the Innostation Writer’s Program guys!

Join our Discord while you’re at it:

Have fun, and happy writing!

Disclaimer: we do not guarantee that your desk will look as aesthetic as the one in the photo if you write for us. Just saying.



Saara Sherazi
The Innostation Publication

Hi! I'm Saara, and I write stories about this and that. I'm into math, science, and all sorts! I'm the Editor-in-Chief at Innostation. Pleased to meet you!