The ultimate bootcamp for changemakers!

Advice from a Shad Alumni — what I learned from my experience in the program.

The Innostation Publication
7 min readJul 10, 2022


I was ready for the adventure of my lifetime. I spent my last evening at home, journaling in the garden, preparing for a life-changing experience. On the first day of Shad, I jumped excitedly out of bed — excited for the day ahead. I opened up my computer and joined a Zoom call full of ambitious teenagers, wanting to impact the world with their unique talents. Through a month jam-packed with virtual lectures, SHADSpeaks (the program’s version of TED talks), fun exercises and cooking sessions, I bonded with all the members of the Shad UPEI team.

❤️ My amazing design team from Shad UPEI!

I’m so excited that the Shad Program is in-person this year! But… let’s back up a little bit.

🧐What is Shad?

I’m so glad you asked! It’s hard to put in words, but Shad is a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) summer enrichment program for students in grades 10 and 11 to level up their learning, meet new friends from across Canada, and push their limits as leader and changemakers. Throughout the month, Shads work on a real-world problem in their design challenge, combining their learning with leadership and entrepreneurship to come up with an inventive solution.

For all the shadlings starting their unique journey at universities across Canada this summer, I thought I’d look back on my Shad experience and share some words of wisdom, things that I learned along the way in the summer of 2021 when I had the chance to participate in this program.

💭Begin with an open mind

Many people initially think that Shad is just for “really smart” people. This is a myth! Not only do Shads come from diverse backgrounds, but a typical day at Shad not only includes classes about research and STEAM, but also art workshops, equity diversity and inclusion discussions and fun recreation games! Starting each day with an open mind, ready to experience everything the program has to offer and trying new things with no expectation of mastery is key. Who knows, you’ll probably return from the program with a new idea for a science fair project, an innovative undertaking to begin in your community or a potential career path! Before Shad, I never knew the intensive research scientists do on waterbody health using satellite images, or how to bake really good scones 🥧, like an Islander from Prince Edward Island.

Shad opened the door to many potential careers and subjects I’m interested in pursuing during university.

Some of our🔑 takeaways from the Equity, Diversity and Decolonization Round Table.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions throughout the program — be curious! All of the lectures I attended were full of great information, and no question is “silly” or “unecessary”, take advantage of the time you have with world-renowned experts in their respective fields. Shad gives you a breadth of knowledge, so you can choose which areas you want to explore further. Permit yourself to deep-dive into your favourite topics during and after the program.

💡 Network

I read somewhere that “your network is your net worth”. Networking is such an important skill for your future, not only for your career (hello internships 👀) but to learn new things from amazing people!

You will have the opportunity to join the Shad alumni network at the end of the program, but you can be a step ahead of the game! Take a moment to create a LinkedIn page, and try to connect with all the professors and mentors you are introduced to over the summer. LinkedIn was a great way for me to give a personal thank-you to these great people. Plus, I was able to book coffee chats (virtual meetings) with them after Shad to talk about some of their work that interested me. I have learned and grown soooo much in these 15-minute conversations, everyone I met was so open to sharing advice, and what excites them in STEAM.

Through this networking from Shad, I’ve met some amazing mentors who I chat with often (shoutout to Guneet and Dr. Sweeney-Nixion!). They help keep me accountable for my goals and are always there to support me. It’s so cool to hear about what their day-to-day as a student/professor looks like.

Design team meeting (and avatar dance party 😂).

📓Keep a journal

The days are long, but the month is short. Shad goes by so fast, and with a fast-paced schedule, it can be easy to forget what you did the day before. I strongly recommend that you start a journal for Shad. Write down everything you did, and any important takeaways/things you want to remember. Write any final questions you have about workshops, and take a moment to reflect on how you be more intentional and focused tomorrow!

This journal will become an essential resource when you want to share your Shad experience with others, bring your best ideas to life, and reminisce on great summer memories made.

🌟Reach for the stars!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” from Norman Vincent Peale. As you begin your design project with an incredible team of fellow Shads from across Canada, you’ll probably have lots of ideas to tackle your design project. But, don’t limit yourself by the feasibility of your idea. Use moonshot thinking to propel your brainstorming (click here for a fun game a TKS student recommended to me)!

What is moonshot thinking? The basics of moonshot thinking are to think big- reflect on how breakthrough technologies will grow and develop over the next ten years, and using that vision, think of how this technology could be used to create a radical solution to a huge problem.

Your moonshot idea is x — it lives in the middle of these three circles 🤯(Source: unknown).

Strive to make your solution 10x better than current, potential solutions.

Don’t limit yourself to the required presentation/one-pager to showcase your solution — think outside the box by creating a website, or demonstrating your project in a cool way. This mindset helped our design team create a pitch deck, mock app and other deliverables for our water monitoring system that we created while at Shad.

Our amazing design team (The Craft Crackerjacks) created Eco-Flow, our company working to help Canadians treat freshwater with more respect (the 2021 design challenge theme 💧).

💬It’s all how you communicate

“Forks are better than hairbrushes” — The Little Mermaid (aka Ariel).

No seriously, you could hear me laughing from outside my room when this team did their presentation. For this activity, we were given 10 minutes to create a unique 2-minute pitch showcasing a wonderful everyday tool: a fork 🍴. Yes, a fork! Each team came up with a similar concept, that a fork, like a swiss army knife, could be a multipurpose device. But, the pitch that I remember to this day used clever visuals, humour and simple explanations to convince me that forks could not only be used to eat food but they can be used to barricade a door while serving as an excellent hairbrush! (I know, awesome, right? 😆).

When you’re reaching the final stretch of your design project, remember that your main goal is to communicate your project in a unique, memorable and creative way! Put all your resources into making something fun and understandable so you can leave an impression on your fellow Shad and others who view your project.

✨ The Golden Rule!

You will get what you put into Shad.

This is your moment to step out of your comfort zone, push your limits and learn new things. If you can get involved with something you enjoy outside of your regular activities and design group, that’s great. I enjoyed designing posters for the coffeehouse (aka Shad’s talent show) and creating our Shad month book (aka scrapbook full of pictures and momentous from the program) last summer.

Our Shad month book!

Finally — are you going into grade 10 or 11? Do you want to make a difference in the world, are you passionate about STEAM, leadership or entrepreneurship? If so, Shad is the program for you! I strongly encourage you to check out Shad’s website and find out how you can experience a summer packed with growth and learning. 👏Apply in September👏- you won’t regret it. Please reach out to me on LinkedIn if there’s any way I can support you on your Shad journey.

📎Pro-tip for applying: Be authentic, and share your true story. Use all the optional space (extra essay, video/art submission) to show who you are and why you are involved in the things you love!

