We’ve Never Met, I Think

General Zheng
The Innostation Publication
2 min readMar 1, 2024

2024, February 29 - Probably one of my favourites

The chipped wings of light on the subway window mirrors my reflection almost perfect

And as I look up

It almost seems like we are sitting beside each other

Though I could only dare to imagine what it’s like to have your scent beside me

With your silhouette in front of my own eyes

It became hard for me to focus on the contents of my mind

Should I spike up a conversation like one of your other admirers?

Or should I remain silent like a natural stranger?

My head cannot decide anyhow

And I keep my mouth shut yet my eyes up at you

At the reflectional world where you and I sat together on this ride

Quietness fell down like a web between you and I

Where I saw another reality if I spoke up and asked if you remembered me

But the truth of me in this world can only catch glimpses and blush in secret

Perhaps it was a little too obvious

It was you who noticed my shyness or simply just being polite

You sparked a smile across your pretty face

Was it to me?

Is this a dream come true or did I simply fall into a daydream?

But you walked up and sat beside me, asking if we knew each other

“You stared for so long,” you asked, “so I was thinking if you are who I think you are.”

“No…” I stuttered at my inarticulate, “We’ve never met, at least I think so…”

“Really?” Your eyes shaped into a cute tease as you grinned

“But I remember you doing this back when we were still friends.”

“Doing what?”

And that was it

Where she showed a picture of me

Where her reflection in the window behind me formed a couple with me

“So? If we’ve never met, at least you don’t think so,”

She leans a little closer

“Can I get to know you now? ”

