What Is A Startup?

The Innostation Publication
2 min readJul 6, 2023

As of 2023, startup companies are gaining more and more recognition as well as popularity in the world of business. But what exactly is a “startup company”𑁋and why would some go down this path? A start up (or a start-up) is generally composed of 1–3 entrepreneurs who act as the founders of a “company”. At this stage, the business isn’t typically too well known and doesn’t have much recognition from the public. Of course, depending on its products / services, their speed of growth will vary. Despite that, a startup is in its early stages of growth, and is new to the world; usually formed with the intention of addressing something in the market𑁋whether it’s a demand for a product or fixing a market gap.

However, there is a distinct difference between a startup and a small business. There are certainly similarities between the two (such as being run by one or a few people), but their focuses as well as procedures are different. When it comes to revenue, small businesses focus on making a consistent and stable profit while maintaining affordable prices for their products and services. Startups on the other hand focus on top end revenue (the total income generated) and rapid growth. They attract customers with their innovative or improved products that are completely new to the world, making it irresistible for consumers. Most entrepreneurs who found a startup are also extremely confident in their product, and believe they can provide in a superior manner or disrupt the market. This confidence is why most startups are funded solely by their founders, as well as to avoid possible debt. However, many startups also do fundraising and take private investors to fund their business.

So under all these circumstances, why be a startup, specifically. As aforementioned, these startups generally suit entrepreneurs that are extremely confident in their market skills and product or service. Otherwise, taking safer routes would suit them better. But startups also come with many other benefits, such as the liberty of being innovative and creative. As the founder, you would also have complete control over the future of the business, which could be an attractive feature for some people. Not to mention that startups have more potential to make larger sums of money and allow you to work on what you’re truly passionate about. All in all, a startup is a flexible business that creates a good balance between work and life. Is it the right path for you?

