Time is the Matter!!

2018 April

Niki Lai
InnoPower@JC: Fellowship for Social Workers
2 min readApr 19, 2018


There’s one thing that everyone has to manage. It’s TIME!

Busy! Busy! Busy! The word most commonly heard of from our social worker fellows! In the beginning stage of my InnoPower@JC Project (Green Careers), I didnt recognize that what I needed most is time management!

I have tried Drucker’s method last few weeks and start to feel its amazing power!

Step 1: understand by recording your time.

I track and record everything to a spreadsheet at the end of the day. Drucker recommends doing this for 3–4 weeks.

Step 2: Diagnose Your Time by analyzing your records.

The goal of this step is to figure out where time is being wasted. To help figure it out, Drucker gives two questions we can ask. “What would happen if this were not done at all?” and “What activities could someone else do better?” He suggested the following ways to eliminate wasting time.

  • Automate repeated tasks by tools;
  • Optimize work done repeatedly by creating an “Operations Checklist”;
  • Outsource by hiring a freelancer to do things that you are less good at

Step 3: Consolidating Your Time by reorganizing it.

A one-hour block is not the same as ten six-minute blocks. Some “important but not urgent work” needs around two hours of focus to think thoroughly for a real solution. If you’re always interrupted by meetings, no real work will happen.

Drucker recommends that we “block off” at least a quarter of our day to do private, focused work.

I will keep on trying the Drucker’s recommendations in order to be an effective leader of the project.

Source from "The Essential Drucker" by Peter Drucker

