InnovaBuzz Newsletter 16 December 2020

Dr Jürgen Strauss
InnovaBuzz Newsletters
6 min readDec 15, 2020

Welcome to your weekly InnovaBuzz Newsletter — a roundup of what’s new and noteworthy in Marketing, Podcasting and Innovation, what’s been happening on the InnovaBuzz Podcast and more.

Bob Kulhan, How to Use Improv to Communicate and Collaborate More Effectively​

In this episode, our guest is Bob Kulhan, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration for The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Business for Columbia Business School, Columbia University. He also is the Founder & CEO of Business Improv®, a 21-year-old consultancy that links improv to business through behavioral sciences and real-world application.

Business Improv is a world-class leader in developing experiential On-Site, Virtual (synchronous), Online (asynchronous) programs, as well as Hybrid and Open Enrollment courses for businesses and leaders. Improvisational Communication is designed to take you from constantly struggling with your blocks and barriers to communication, to a place where you can thrive as a confident and competent communicator.

Bob has very generously offered an exclusive code for listeners of this podcast to Business Improv’s Improvisational Communication, a first-of-its-kind online course designed using research backed by science and more than 20 years of experience. This course is regularly priced at $249 and by using the code YESAND you will be able to purchase for just $99.

In our discussion, Bob talked to us about:

  • How we can use Improv for collaboration, communication and adapting to change
  • How to break down organisational silos using Improv principles
  • The four fundamental pillars of a successful business

Listen to the podcast to find out more.​

​Brian Mac Mahon, Leading with Purpose — the Key to Startup Success​

In this episode, our guest is Brian Mac Mahon of Expert DOJO, the largest International startup accelerator in Southern California. In 2018 & 2019, Expert DOJO brought 400 companies through their startup programs and made 42 investments. They are planning to bring 2,000 companies through their program this year and make 50 more investments.

In our discussion, Brian talked to us about:

  • Building a growth strategy with a vision that has clear milestones
  • Going from laboratory to “Dojo”
  • Setting expectations of and for yourself, including learning from failure and being adaptable

Listen to the podcast to find out more.​

​Lisa Johnson, How to Create Passive Income Streams in Your Business​

In this episode, our guest is Lisa Johnson, who is a 7-figure business coach, specialising in helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses using passive income from memberships and courses.

After a tough childhood spent in social housing, Lisa went on to have successful careers in law, banking, and the entertainment industry. Her background in overcoming obstacles has helped mould her into a bold, straight-talking coach, who is never afraid to be an authentic and outspoken truth-teller. She has spoken on the BBC’s Women’s Hour and is a Thrive Global Contributor. She has been featured in national newspapers and magazines including Psychologies, The Guardian, and Forbes. Lisa lives in the UK and coaches and travels all around the globe.

In our discussion, Lisa talked to us about:

  • How getting really clear about her dream customer transformed her business
  • How Lisa transitioned her business to be focused on leveraged income
  • The difference between courses, memberships, and group programs

Listen to the podcast to find out more.​

Online Masterclass — Podcast PR: The New Virtual Speaking Tour

Speaking on stages to people who could be your dream clients has always been a highly effective means of building visibility, professional credibility and connection with your ideal clients. Unfortunately, few people have access to speaking tours and in the current global environment of travel restrictions and social distancing, in-person speaking opportunities have been postponed or canceled.

Appearing as a guest on podcasts is the new virtual speaking tour and a great PR opportunity for your business. There are currently over 800,000 podcasts in the public domain and in most first-world countries between 25–50% of people listen to podcasts.

Most podcasts are looking for guests!

Setting up a Podcast PR campaign requires a systematic approach to identifying the right audiences, podcast shows and landing a guest gig. Then showing up, prepared and presenting your best and following up with active promotion of your guest appearances.

If you want an innovative and easy PR strategy for your business, one that is effective, fun and highly profitable, then this event is for you.

Join the Masterclass

How to Find Podcasts to Be a Guest On? Learn from experts!

by Wenbin Fang

If you feel like you’re flying blind on Google, trying to determine how to become a podcast guest and what to actually expect once you’re booked, keep reading. This comprehensive article includes plenty of real-world examples and actual statistics to help you learn your way around the differing roles in the podcasting industry, which was projected to hit $1 billion in ad sales by 2021.

Are you ready for more exposure as a podcast guest? Read on to find out more.

Read the article to learn more.​

The Problem With Your Lead Magnet

by Josh Barney

Lead magnets are one of the best ways to turn visitors into leads.

This change in relationship from visitor to lead, enables brands to thrive online, produce positive ROI’s and validate their continued content marketing efforts.

However, not every brand’s lead magnet performs as intended.

Keep reading to learn more about the problem with lead magnets, why they fail and how to solve them.

Read the article to learn more.​

Best Podcast Books to Launch and Grow Your Show

by Lindsay Harris Friel

You love podcasting, and learning more about it. But, wouldn’t it be nice to get away from your computer for a bit? Instead of gazing at a screen, why not improve your skills with a book or two? You’re in? Then, let’s look at some of the best podcasting books around.

Read the article to learn more.


We’ve got more fantastic guests lined up! Look out for these InnovaBuzz episodes to publish this coming week, where we share all kinds of tips and strategies around innovation, leadership, and modern marketing.

Wonderful conversations with Niche Branding Expert, Nichole Smith, Dustin Miller of PolyInnovator, and John DeMato of Demato Productions. Watch out for these episodes to publish next week!

That’s all for this week.




Dr Jürgen Strauss
InnovaBuzz Newsletters

Founder of Innovabiz: TRANSFORMATION MARKETING — Building visibility, professional authority and connection with your dream clients