Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2019

As you have already seen, all those who are familiar with the start-up of our first gold mine, in Vereda Guayaquil (Pensilvania, Caldas) -through photos, videos and written information that we have published before in other articles-, the geographical framework in which our project is carried out, it encompasses a mountainous environment, with very steep and rugged areas, which make the traffic flow and the normal communications development very difficult, for all the professionals who will work on the project and for all the vehicles and machines involved in it.

It is for this reason that certain works must be carried out to provide the best accessibility conditions to this area, before starting with the exploitation itself and with the construction of the processing plant.

In the past, we published an article in which we showed the necessary work that we had to carry out to provide this area with electricity, essential for the proper development of our mining exploitation. Now it’s time to inform you about the work in terms of improving mobility and road communications.

To access the place where the mine camp is located, you have to go through a route that passes by the offices and by the place where the processing plant is planned to be built. To make such access possible, a 300 meters long road is being created. The initial projection was changed, by approximately 8 meters (authorized by Management), in order to generate the least possible impact on the environment, avoiding the felling of some trees.

For the construction of this road, it was necessary to buy a 10 meters strip from a plot adjacent to the Minera Guayaquil estate, as well as the relocation of a house located in this area.

This road comes to satisfy, therefore, the need to carry all the inputs and materials for the scheduled constructions, as well as the machinery and other equipment that the project needs.

It wouldn’t have been possible to proceed with the construction of this road if a backhoe and a dump truck had not been previously purchased (in a future article we will inform about the vehicles that we have already been able to buy for the project). Now the track is being opened, through a so called “rockfill process”, in which the paved road finally sets. This process is carried out to create a road uncovered, but the idea is to later convert the floor of this road into a paved driveway, and so, be able to reach the place where the munitions dump is, for direct delivery of the inputs.

Paved driveways are reinforced concrete plates, arranged on the ground and with a separation in fixed stone and concrete. It is a construction resistant to light and medium heavy traffic, and requires precise specifications of thickness and quality of the material to ensure its correct function, stability and durability.

We keep opening the best paths to success!

The InnovaMinex Team.

