Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2019

It’s been two years that we have been celebrating Children’s Day together with the community of the project’s area of influence, corresponding to the school of the village of Guayaquil, extending the invitation to the villages of Las Colonias, Cartagena and Las Mercedes. It was attended by about 80 people, including children and parents. This is a very special occasion for children in the area, and we were able to count on the municipal administration support, which provided recreation, trampoline, inflatable attraction and gifts.

“Pennsylvania Gold & Mineral” (new name of the company “Minera Guayaquil”, owner of the mining licenses, whose majority shareholder is MinexCorp) made all the efforts from its social department to provide logistics, transportation from the surrounding villages, lunch for all attendees, snacks, ice creams, gifts and personalized bags with sweets, making this event a wonderful day for the little ones.

In InnovaMinex we are delighted to support these initiatives and to have such a close relationship with the communities within the area where our project is being developed, convinced that if we provide children with opportunities for development, fun and happiness, and we promote important moments of satisfaction for their parents, through social activities in which the whole family can participate, we can help foster warm climates in their homes, which also reinforce the sense of identity and stimulate the social and economic development of the communities.

We keep building… helping others to build themselves.


The fathers and mothers who are part of the Pennsylvania Gold & Mineral company received a nice invitation from MinexCorp, as a tribute to the fundamental role that parents play in the development of the basic nucleus of society: the family. The invitation included a dinner, a musical show and the delivery of some picture-frames designed with the company logo. This event took place at the hotel in the village of Pueblo Nuevo.

From InnovaMinex we support this type of initiatives, so that the people who are part of the MinexCorp staff can appreciate for themselves the importance that the company gives them, with the aim of building a solid, trustworthy and lasting employment relationship.

Because people are our main gold vein.

The InnovaMinex Team.

