Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2019

In a previous article, we have reported about the progress in the creation of the laboratory, as well as the agreements reached with suppliers. We want to dedicate this article to explaining each of the main laboratory components, so that anyone with interests in our project can better understand the ins and outs of some fundamental processes.


It is the place where to accommodate all the equipment with which to perform the necessary analysis to take the best exploration, exploitation and production decisions.

Considering the existence of a 12-meter long container, and always with the will to opt for the decisions that enable us to start the project as soon as possible, there was a management request to house the initial laboratory in that container.

Each internal area of the laboratory was evaluated to best fit each space, and make it more functional and portable, concluding in the need to partition it into two spaces, one for preparation and one for casting. By placing these two sections perpendicular to each other, the dressing and living space originates.

The evolution of the proposals for the distribution of laboratory spaces is shown in the following scheme. It is not intended to show the detail of the names appearing in the drawings –in fact, they cannot be read–, but only to give an idea of the work that has been developed seeking the optimization of this space, attending to the needs that were emerging.


The jaw crusher is a first stage comminution* equipment, and is part of the mineral samples analysis laboratory.

It serves to reduce dry samples to particle sizes close to 1/4 inch or less, allowing adequate homogenization for the proper selection of comminuted mineral sample aliquots.

It will be used for the treatment of ordinary samples from Mine, Geology and Processing Plant.

(*) Fragmentation or decrease of the size of a certain material.


The disc sprayer is a second stage comminution machine, and is part of the mineral sample analysis laboratory.

Its functionality lies in acting on the samples to reduce them to very small particles, with sizes of 150 µm (micrometers) or less, so that it allows an adequate selection of the mineral sample to be melted, guaranteeing a good homogenization and making easy the complete smelting, without generating any solid-liquid phase that affects the result of the fire assay.

It will be used for the treatment of ordinary samples from Mine, Geology and Processing Plant.


The Wilfley concentration table in the laboratory is a small gravimetric mineral concentration equipment.

The machine is required to treat special samples containing free gold and silver, obtaining these in quantifiable concentrate, avoiding the “nugget” effect on special samples. Remember that in the Vereda Guayaquil ore there is a presence of free gold and silver that can easily distort the results, if they are not treated properly.

In addition, polymetallic concentrates will be obtained in the processing plant which, when tested, must lack the presence of free gold and silver (already extracted in the plant), to proceed with its commercialization.


The flotation cell for the laboratory is a small equipment that can offer the following functions:

  • Control of the results to be expected in the flotation cells of the processing plant.
  • Performing of various flotation tests, with the reagent scanning, dosages and conditions to react to any difficulty in the processing plant flotation.
  • Quantitative determination of the Sphalerite — Pyrite separation, in polymetallic concentrates to be marketed.
  • Searching for other sulfides of economic interest, if they appear naturally in the mine.

We are going to extract, crush and melt all the material coming out from the mine, and we hope to obtain great yields in the process. We continue on the right path, and with your help and confidence (sharing our project, talking about it, having patience…) we will keep pushing it forward in the best way.

The InnovaMinex Team.

