Sustainable Development. Presentation

Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2019

Dear MINXers,

Today we share this news about Sustainable Development, with which principles our project is absolutely aligned. The exploitation of our gold deposit is designed to generate wealth and welfare, directly and indirectly, to the people and communities it affects, and we will have the opportunity in coming days to give more details of the actions that are being carried out to comply with this commitment, so that the entire MINX community can follow it closely.

With “sustainable development” a balance between economic, environmental and social issues is sought. Our exploitation will follow the guidelines of the environmental authority, to prevent the environmental impacts that the mining activity generates. To exploit the gold in the best and proper way, there will be no use of substances of sanitary interest, that is, there will be no cyanidation and much less use of mercury, the latter, following the guidelines stipulated in the Mercury Unique National Plan of Colombia, which seeks to eliminate gradually and definitely the use of this chemical in the mining and industrial sector, in this country. We will only recover free gold and polymetallic concentrates by mechanical procedures. The polymetallic concentrates will be stored and marketed for further processing in plants in other areas of the country, and even in other countries.

With our gold exploitation, the resources available for municipal and departmental institutions will increase, with which they will have a positive impact on municipal economic development and on the social and economic conditions for local populations. In addition, our mining project is a great opportunity for employment generation, both qualified and unskilled.

The Environmental Impact Study (EIA, 788 pages) contains and relates all the aspects and characteristics of the project, detailing its three components (physical, biotic and socioeconomic) intervening in the project’s area of influence, the environmental impacts likely to be generated , and environmental management measures aimed at their prevention, mitigation and/or compensation, among other technical and environmental aspects. This EIA was carried out by an interdisciplinary group of professionals with experience in different fields, who gathered the necessary elements for its exhaustive and detailed elaboration. The primary information was collected with field work, using topographic surveys, interviews, information processes, sampling, measurements, inventories and direct observations with the help of cartographic material. The main contents of this report are:

1) Description of the mining project, exploitation methods, calculation of reserves, etc.

2) Environmental characterization (description of baseline conditions).

3) Identification and evaluation of environmental impacts

4) Environmental management plan.

5) Environmental zoning.

6) Identification of the use, exploitation and / or affectation of the natural resources necessary for the project development.

7) Contingency plan.

In order to elaborate this study an interdisciplinary team was created, with professionals from geology, electrical, mechanics, materials, chemistry, civil and mining engineering, economics, social work, topography, biology and field assistants, forming the following team:

Likewise, to gather information for the conformation of the environmental baseline, it was supported by the companies Acuatest, Gestión y Medio Ambiente, Tectónica S.A.S. and Geoambiental Consultores S.A.S., which provided water sampling and analysis services, studies of air quality and environmental and geophysical noise within the area of direct influence of the project.

Soon we will share more information about this area.

The InnovaMinex Team

