Technological Changes At InnovaMinex

Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2019

Our team together with Mohammed Alsehli, our blockchain Advisor, and the Zhanos company, our auditor, have reached a consensus on the use of technology that allows us to integrate precious metals supply chain management, decentralize sourcing and sales information storage along with our loyalty program into a united and robust blockchain system.

We have made a decision to use the Ethereum blockchain, particularly the ERC20 protocol, for INX tokens for the many advantages it has to offer:

  • the quickest integration of our cryptocurrency into other exchangers and ATMs;
  • improved compatibility with e-commerce, e-wallets (Trezor, Ledger, etc.), and a multitude of other applications;

Thanks to this change we concentrate on the solution that InnovaMinex offers. Namely, the one based on the business model stemming from the established relationships between gold mines and the INX community.

For more details about our smart contract, please see Github:

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