The president of Colombia supporting Blockchain technology

Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2019

Dear MINXers,

We share a very interesting news for all of us, for two main reasons:

  • It talks about an outstanding interest of the president of Colombia, where our mines are located, related to the development of the mining sector.
  • It puts the focus on the full introduction of the blockchain in that sector.

As you can see, we are on the right track… and the options that can be consolidated in the coming months can be widening our road.

Here is an English translation of this news

“The president of Colombia plans to certify the mining sector traceability through blockchain.

  • The project has the support of “Ruta N”, space for technological development in Medellín.
  • A couple of weeks ago, Colombia inaugurated a center for the study of blockchain technology.

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, announced on Wednesday, May 8th, that this South American nation plans to apply blockchain technology to certify the traceability of the mineral extraction industry in the country.

Through a tweet, the Colombian head of state said, after meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook, that one of the topics discussed was how Colombia will seek to certify its mining production with the use of the blockchain technology.

In response to this publication, the @TrazoOroCo account expanded the information, noting that the project has the support of “Ruta N”, a space where just a few weeks ago the first Fourth Industrial Revolution Center of the continent was inaugurated.

This center, precisely, will be devoted to the study of blockchain and other new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Center is an initiative promoted by the World Economic Forum, in the search to explore not only the development of new technologies but their impact in the near future.

By then, the Colombian president had already expressed his intention to take Colombia to the economic vanguard using blockchain. The specific objective, he said at the time, is “to be the leaders in mobile banking and digital banking in Latin America.”

Previously, the president had shown a favorable position with respect to the technology used by cryptocurrencies. First, because of its capacity to improve government transparency. Then, proposing to free tax for five years to emerging companies in the area”.

Anticipating! … Business visionaries.

The InnovaMinex Team

