Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2019

When a few months ago, the definite release to the market of our MINX token was being carried out, work was already being done in our first mine. When half a year before that launch we were attending international events to show the project that we had conceived, to users of the cryptoeconomy world community and to gold investors, work was already being done in our mine. But even before the MINX was imagined as a token that could be a reference among the thousands of cryptocurrencies that are already being traded on the different markets… work was already beginning in our first mine. While the vast majority of projects launched in the cryptospace are all on paper before raising the funds they need, that of InnovaMinex started when it was already “under paper”, under the ground, working on the first stages of this exciting project. Patience and work.

From InnovaMinex we offer a disruptive business opportunity (and we believe that never before has an attractive model like ours been offered to investors interested in precious metals) that, with respect to the cryptoeconomics projects average, requires a greater need for funding. In this last year and a half, the crypto market has developed so that we have been needing a little more time. Yes, it has been a few months, which is not a significant time considering the great dimension of the project and everything that involves and entails. We have always been working in the best possible way so that this moment arrived as soon as possible. Patience and a job well done end up bearing fruit: the beginning of Vereda Guayaquil’s ore washing will take place, effectively, this September. And if there are no mishaps, we can also specify the day of this much desired moment: September 18th.

Because we could not yet built our own processing plant, we will begin provisionally taking the ore to a plant in the city of Manizales, capital of the Caldas Colombian department (where our mine is located). In that plant, 1 ton per day, approximately, will begin to be processed.

We can already start the extraction of the gold ore because in the mine we are very advanced, and the mining works are already being developed. However, the main reason why, at the beginning, we cannot take more material to the processing plant, is due to a technical difficulty in bringing it up. A provisional pulley has been installed with which it is difficult to raise quantities greater than one ton per day (remember the so rugged and uneven terrain in which our mine is located). When we can work with the definitive cable car system that is being installed, we can increase the volume of extraction and transport, to reach 500 tons per day, which is our goal. We have to take into account that the fact of not being able to wash our ore ourselves, means that we generate a lower benefit (for the costs involved in the mineral transport, and for the payment to the plant that washes it). That is why starting now with that small amount is not so bad, so as not to give up a benefit that will come later, so that InnovaMinex’s offer can be more attractive.

The really important thing is that we will ALREADY be extracting, washing and producing gold, and from there on, we can begin to optimize some processes. Taking into account that we cannot go, overnight, from processing 1 ton to 100 tons, and that the growth will develop gradually, it should be stressed that, in any case, the start-up is one of the most important milestones and NOW we are going to make it.

Also noteworthy is the fact that Minexcorp will allocate its own benefits obtained from the mineral sale, to the construction of our processing plant, in order to move forward faster in the project.

The economic situation worldwide makes this an ideal month for the Vereda Guayaquil mine start-up, with the mineral extraction and processing, since gold has reached a value that it had not reached for years. And it is also an ideal month for the user/investor who acquires our MINX token, since analyst forecasts talk that gold can rise much more in the next year and, as you all know, the MINX token will offer gold -our gold- at a cheaper price.

Achieving milestones and continuing to take steps forward.

The InnovaMinex Team.

