“With the decentralization of our technology, we will be able to put human relations at the center”

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4 min readNov 17, 2018

Almost all of us need to learn what are the paths to success. Only a few possess that knowledge in an innate way, and Francisco Montero is a great example.

If “discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment” (Jim Rohn), or if to achieve success “we don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be more disciplined than the rest” (Warren Buffet), at an early age of fourteen, Francisco adopted these foundations for success: he decided to leave the comfortable circle of adolescence to nurture discipline in the military academy and, as a soldier, for 15 years, he continued learning and growing. Now, the ability to make fruitful meetings that last until the early hours of the morning, or to be in a greater number of business fronts than a normal person can manage, are for him things as natural as breathing.

Focusing only on the solution when a problem arises and seeing a challenge to overcome where others see obstacles, are already sequences of his DNA. Best of all is that he camouflages his tenacity, ability and discipline, under the skin of an openly friendly individual that invites you to share with pleasure his path to success.

“After so many years I decided to leave the army feeling the need for reinvention, projection and growth that burned inside me, guided by a strong business vision in the globalized and technological world that was being configured”, and so, together with another partner , in 2003, Francisco acquired the rights to the book “Confidential Internet Intelligence Manuscript” to market it in Spanish, selling on the first night more than 300 pdf copies. “We created one of the first electronic marketing bulletins and we got more than 50,000 subscribers in less than a year.” And it would still give them time, in that year, to write the first book in Spanish for Internet web positioning. They stand out and are at the top of the game. His iron discipline and focus widens his path to success.

Also in 2003 he created Avantys Corporation, a company of integral solutions for Internet businesses, and Avantys Hosting, specifically for web hosting. The following year they developed tupymeonline.com, an innovative product through which, in just 72 hours, a client could have a domain, email account and web page. They manage, just in Spain, to make more than 800 websites during 2004.

From 2003 to 2011 they consolidated the growth of Avantys as a hosting and development company, with clients that got on board their success boat, either directly or through advertising and communication agencies. The Avantys team has been involved with projects of large multinationals such as Campofrío, Navidul, bwin, Repsol, Cepsa, BBVA, Burger King, Subway, KPMG, Vodafone, Orange, Supersol, La Sirena…, in total, more than 290 important brands in Spain.

At the beginning of 2012 he went to Chile, for almost 3 years, to create and develop the international delegations of the Avantys group. Once back in Spain, and with Rafael Enríquez (CINO of InnovaMinex), they created a project to sell online services of reviews, articles and written publications of all kinds. They managed to generate more than 12,000 articles per month, with more than 500 own blogs in which they talked about a whole range of different topics, and reached more than 1,500,000 daily visits.

In 2016, he undertook the creation of a group of companies related to cryptoeconomics, whose purpose was to invest in cryptocurrencies and offer consulting and advisory services in this field. He also created one of the first softwares that automatically buys and sells bitcoins on the market. Growing in activity and knowledge within this sector, it was in 2017 when he participated in the inicial concept of one of the most attractive projects within the current cryptoeconomy: InnovaMinex. “It is a project that will become an important reference in the mining sector. We have mines, refinery, e-commerce and ATM’s; we have an attractive business model, solid and disruptive; and it will being achieved by a great team of professionals from different disciplines giving the best of themselves”.

Francisco points out that “InnovaMinex is a blockchain company, and that implies two things: transparency and security. Therefore, all the money that enters the project has to be audited and approved by an external company. To demonstrate that we do things well, we need to be constantly transparent, so that everyone will know what we do and how we do it.”

He does not agree with the sharks of finance. “The world leans towards a collaborative economy where all people contribute. Therefore, I want to apply to InnovaMinex the same business ethic that I apply to my life: I have found in the InnovaMinex project the possibility, through the decentralization of our technology, that we can put human relationships at the center. Such relationships are a secure, transparent blockchain and full of future!”.

Lean more about us here: https://innovaminex.com

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