“Amazing things are coming!” — update from the CEO of Innovasis Hotels, Paweł Alva

Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

In the last live webinar our CEO, Paweł Alva, shared yet another exciting update with our community! “Amazing things are coming!” was the message behind it all. We are grateful for the warm reception! Not to keep you waiting any longer, here is how the update webinar went!

Right at the start Paweł mentioned how many things became clearer for us and how much progress we have made. First, he reminded everyone about the bigger picture of the project: being independent and sustainable in terms of energy, water, internet and waste treatment means that we aren’t simply building regular hotels — we are building a network of innovative oases that can serve as a hotel, as a campus or as other roles! We are definitely not restricting ourselves as we always try to think outside of the box!

Going into a more complex topic, Paweł explained the current land situation in Hawaii. He stressed that it’s not that simple to just “find land and build it”. Because of the regulations in Hawaii, a project of our scale needs to be placed on land that is resort or commercially zoned and at least 10 acres big. We will need at least 5 acres for the field of solar panels and concentrated solar panels alone, with another 5 acres reserved for the resort itself. It’s not easy to come by such a plot of land on most of the islands. But we had a fruitful meeting with the Department of Planning and Zoning on Big Island — from them we got an entire plan of all the zoning and all the land that could be resort zoned! Oahu’s Department of Planning and Zoning loves our project — they admitted that it might be hard for us to find a resort zoned land there but suggested a creative solution. An innovative opportunity for us would be to present our project as a campus with a hotel, not just as a hotel. This would make all of the commercially zoned land plots available to us! We are always looking for new ways to make our project a reality, as effectively and as soon as possible!

Believe it or not, there was even more exciting news. A big, land-owning company invited us to a meeting and offered us a long-term lease of an amazing, beach-front land plot in the Kauai island! We are strongly considering their offer and we will keep you posted about the results of our talks with them. As you can see, more and more options are becoming available to us!

Next, Paweł talked about the civil engineering tasks for our project. The unanswered question was, “Will our modular designs be accepted by Hawaii officials?” In a meeting with lead civil engineers of Honolulu’s Department of Zoning it was confirmed that our plans, being compliant with Florida’s building certifications, will have no problem being accepted! Furthermore, we are now partnered with Hawaii’s huge civil engineering company called SSFM. They are the ones behind building Honolulu’s Airport and many hospitals, highways and schools, and they are open to creating fully modular designs for us — it’s certainly an invaluable partnership!

It doesn’t stop there — we got introduced to an experienced architect who also took part in building the Honolulu Airport, but even more importantly, was the lead architect designing the biggest hotels in Hawaii and many multi-million dollar projects. He is also a developer that has finalized 4 successful resorts in the Philippines and, what’s more, will be joining our board of advisors! Thanks to him, yet another amazing opportunity was presented to us. It turns out that if we were to focus our resources and effort in the Philippines, we could finalize the project even 10 times faster and much easier than in Hawaii! It was always our plan to consider many locations and opportunities — we can work on a few of them at the same time, carry out the process of acquiring legal permits and simply build the first hotel at the location where we can obtain them the fastest! This means that we can redirect a portion of our attention towards the Philippines, while continuing the lengthy process of acquiring legal permits in Hawaii.

We also touched upon the topic of progress with Prototypes. As we have already mentioned in the previous article, we now have a Chinese partner that will work with us to produce all the interior components of the containers. Combining that with the production of the exterior/construction elements and final assembly in the USA will allow us to reach great cost efficiency, while retaining compliance with all the US building codes and regulations! Since we are basically ready to order the Prototypes, you might ask: “What next?” We have it covered! We are already setting up a Showroom space in Silicon Valley, where we will present our Prototypes, both capsules and executives, to the wider audience of investors and technology entrepreneurs. We will keep you posted on that! Paweł said that he can’t wait to personally show everyone all the amazing solutions that we are implementing, like for example WaiponoPure Advanced Wastewater Treatment :)

As you can see, truly amazing things are coming! Of course it’s not possible to write in detail about everything that was said during the over an hour long live webinar — but that’s exactly the reason why you should check out the recording if you are interested ;) Available via the links below in two parts:

You can see the full interview on Facebook:

PART 1: https://www.facebook.com/innovasis.hotels/videos/527880580992056/

PART 2: https://www.facebook.com/innovasis.hotels/videos/381811109223760/

Look forward to our next live interviews and more updates from us at Innovasis Hotels!



Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels

A perfect place to have fun and get things done for new generation of travelers. Visit us www.innovasishotels.com