“Getting ready for Blast Off!” — Summary of interview and Q&A with CEO of Innovasis Hotels, Pawel Alva

Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2018

Continuing our series of exciting live webinars, recently we held a special Q&A session and interview with our CEO, Pawel Alva — once again we are grateful for the warm reception and awesome questions you submitted! It is always a great opportunity for us to not only clarify our approach and share some new, interesting information but also to bring you a step closer to our vision while doing it. Without further ado, below are the most important topics that were tackled and explained thoroughly.

In the beginning Paweł explained our reasoning behind the change in token split — from the previous 60/40 ratio to 70% tokens for sale and 30% of tokens reserved for basic project’s needs. He emphasized that successful projects are linked to cryptocurrencies that represent real, growing value and are not just meant for yet another pump&dump scheme. To ensure the future value of our token we decided to manage the token economics in a smart way and ‘redirect’ half of the amount reserved for areas like i.e. bounty and airdrop marketing campaigns. Those are currently plagued by botters and fake accounts, thus becoming ineffective and clearly leading to awarded tokens just being dumped and forgotten at the first opportunity, possibly putting the coin’s perceived value in a bad light and hindering its growth. To avoid that we applied KYC procedures to our current airdrop&bounty campaigns and tokens redirected from those areas will now go to what’s most important for the long-term success of the project — sales pool, open to actual contributors that have interest in what we are doing, that see and respect the value of tokens representing our project and our vision. This will lead to a more meaningful community around the project, while also making the coin’s value more stable and allowing for unhindered future growth!

Going into a bit more relaxed (but still important!) topic, Paweł touched upon the tremendous progress we have made regarding the funzone part of our hotels. It was confirmed that we will have an awesome funzone with huge Slip’n’Fly and Flowriding pool but this time you got to look into the details behind it. Paweł revealed that we not only have pricing ready for different components, not only we are using more efficient solutions like inflatable Slip’n’Fly and obstacle courses but also that we are applying a methodical and technical approach even to this “fun” aspect of the project — for every single element used in the hotel we collect and know exactly not only its price but also its energy consumption, water consumption and all the other technical data! This will allow us to successfully implement our sustainable solar energy and water management solutions.

Next, Paweł was asked about the reception of Innovasis Hotels in Hawaii and what are the unique characteristics of doing business there. As you probably already know, Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth, with more than 10 million tourists coming to it every year. Paweł also explained what you might have not known — land plots in Hawaii are categorized into different ‘zones’, with plots designated as resort zones being not that easily available. But because of the environment friendly and local community friendly character of our project we are gaining a lot of support from government officials, local mayors and politicians, which matters a lot — they love our project! Coupled with our smart approach to maneuvering legal aspects of land regulations in Hawaii and establishing crucial connections with important landowners and civil engineers, we were able to make great strides in making more locations available for us to assess and decide on the final land plot that we are going to use.

Paweł also elaborated on the progress we have made in regards to the prototypes that were mentioned in our previous updates. Thanks to our cooperation with Sundog Structures across the last many weeks, we now have a full pricing and source of materials list for the prototypes ready! Paweł even revealed some of those price estimates, like for example 138.000$ for the production of executive suite. We are also strongly considering taking a smart and efficient approach to producing them. One of the solutions we are implementing is assembling them in China, while employing American architects and engineers to conduct quality control processes — to bring the cost down by even 42–55% but also to make sure we remain compliant with US and Hawaii building codes and we retain high quality, which is vitally important to us.

All of this led to emphasizing the main title of the live interview — we are getting ready for the blast off! As we are anticipating the cryptocurrency market conditions becoming more favourable for ICOs like us in the future, we are doing all the work needed to take advantage of it beforehand — among the things mentioned previously, everyday we are getting the exact pricings of shipping, custom duties, various taxes, acquiring various permits, recruiting new team members, gathering even more big financial backers around our project and keeping the current ones ready for when we have the land plot selected and prototypes ordered so they can finalize their equity investment, doing all the ‘groundwork’ that is happening behind the scenes and that we reveal to you as soon as we can — all to make sure that we will be ready for the market blast off and, as soon it happens, for the global expansion of Innovasis Hotels!

There were many other fascinating things and details mentioned, like touching upon the topics of cryptocurrency exchanges, our new website and secret rooms in hotels (after all those are supposed to be secret so we won’t disclose it in writing, you need to listen to the interview yourself and hear about how truly amazing they are ;) Summarizing it all would probably double the length of this article! So if you are interested you should watch the full interview here:

You can see the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/liOBZIhHZMk

Look forward to our next live interviews and more updates from us at Innovasis Hotels!



Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels

A perfect place to have fun and get things done for new generation of travelers. Visit us www.innovasishotels.com