Update #3 — A New team

Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2018

Welcome to part 3 of our updates.

If you read the two previous articles you are familiar with our new strategy (#1 Major July update form Pawel Alva) and also entire progress and decision making process on our new branding (Update #2 Innovasis Hotels — New brand). You saw the new name, new logo in 2D and 3D versions.

Now let’s talk about the changes within the team.

Let us begin with the most exciting news.

Architects are on board!

We now have two very important people that have joined our advisory board.

Wesley Osborne and Robert Cox.

Both are very highly regarded american architects and technicians that are experienced with modular structures. Both have already began working and preparing the pricing of the prototypes for all four of our room designs.

  1. Capsules — 10 in 1 container.
  2. Standard rooms — 5 in 1 container.
  3. Junior suites — 2 in 1 container.
  4. Executive rooms — 1 in 2 container.

We will soon not only know the pricing for the prototypes and the cost of each room, we will also know what they cost when produced on a larger scale.

What is great about these architects is that they are both certified for the construction of modular structures. That allows them to put these structures all over United States, which is one of the countries with the harshest restrictions and building code regulations. This also contributes to easier acquisition of various permits.

They also reached out to companies that will build the Slip and Fly’s and at the same time they connected with civil engineers that will be crucial in making this happen.

One of the important steps is to order the prototypes and have them shipped to one of our locations, and possibly one more set in Silicon Valley. This will be a big step in making sure everything is in accordance with the building codes for our destinations. It will give us the opportunity to make various alterations in the room designs. We will also know the exact pricing of each module and we will be able to open showrooms featuring all four rooms for physical interaction. This will be a huge factor in raising money and preparing ourselves to enter the exchanges.

This chapter definitely moves our project forward significantly.

Hotelery technology expert

About a month ago, our team welcomed Hotel technology expert Adam Schroder.

Adam personally oversaw hundreds of hospitality projects and was responsible for technology used in them. Adam often spoke at Stanford University as a hospitality expert, where he would talk about the innovation and upcoming changes in the hospitality industry. Adam also owns Hospitality Innovation labs, a company that holds many patents for devices that optimize energy and water usage in hotels, up to 80% of savings.

This past month was very intensive — we reviewed possible solutions for energy, water, waste management and also utilities for the hotel construction phases.

We are very happy that Adam joined the team, and he is definitely not the last hotel expert we would like to welcome in our ranks.

Office Master

Another new team member that joined us at the beginning of this month is David Mysliwiec.

David is not only one of our first investors, he also already worked with us in the past, being the person responsible for organizing all the meetings with PricewaterhouseCoopers. David has also set up meetings with real estate agents: in Miami, Bahamas and San Francisco. Along with that, David has a lot of connections in China and is a huge supporter of our every endeavor.

We are very happy to have David on board as his efficiency and ability to get things done is always top-notch.

Chief Sales Officer

Daniel Cioe (Big Dano) — everybody who is in our community probably knows Dano already. He is one of our biggest supporters and a significant investor in our project from an early stage. He is among those with the strongest belief in our vision, both at current stage and in the future of the project.

For me as CEO, it is very important to have on board only people that fully believe in what we do. Daniel is definitely the right guy and our relationship as friends and colleagues have developed very well. I am very happy with my choice to welcome Daniel into our team.

Other team members

Soon we are going to officially launch our new Innovasis Hotels webpage. There you will be able to see that our team has changed significantly. Changes in the team are huge and we decided to decrease the size of the team as our focus is no longer on marketing. We still progress with marketing but as you already know from the first article, our focus is on delivery of the project and we believe this is what matters at this point. This is also why we don’t need that big of a marketing or community support teams. We need different roles and different types of support. You will also see changes in our board of advisors structure, where we decided to work only with the most engaged advisors that can deliver the biggest value to the project.

That’s not the end of updates. There are a few huge deals on the table, but for confidentiality purposes we can’t announce them till they are signed.

There are also a few new partners, as well as real estate agents, civil engineers, and general contractors that we are going to announce soon.

We are very happy with these changes — the optimization of the team, the change in our focus and the quality of the people we are working with that fully believe in this project and and its vision.

In the next article I will describe our progress with the land and location situation: what we have managed to accomplish, which locations seem difficult to acquire or unsuitable and which locations seem to be the best for us.

Stay tuned!

Pawel — CEO Innovasis Hotels



Innovasis Hotels
Innovasis Hotels

A perfect place to have fun and get things done for new generation of travelers. Visit us www.innovasishotels.com