An Inconvenient Truth: Innovation Insights

Innovate Vancouver
Innovate Vancouver
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2018

Truth is defined as that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality and yet it continues to remain elusive. The pursuit of truth often ends when:

Preconceptions are confirmed: Intuition and experience are crucial towards evaluating information but are just as often constraints. Unfortunately the truth does not always Truth Architectureconfirm our preferences.

Rewards outweighs risk: Risk thresholds influence whether or not truth is accessible, if it can be implemented, or if the necessary framework supports are in place to learn from it.

Truth often requires significant changes.Commitment is outstripped by capacity: Leveraging truth to support innovation requires preexisting skills, competencies, tools, and structures. The process of leveraging truth requires ongoing learning and the organic processes to support them.



Innovate Vancouver
Innovate Vancouver

Innovate Vancouver is a business and technology innovation consulting service located in Vancouver, BC. Founder: Travis Barker, MPA GCPM