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Embracing AI in the Classroom and Schools

Stacey Schultz
Educate Up to Date
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2023


You don’t have to look far to find another article about AI — a signal to all of us that it is something we need to pay attention to. AI is a disruptive technology tool, and as educators and leaders, it is in our best interest to learn more about it. We should consider how to integrate AI into the classroom and the school. Many teachers and students are already experimenting with AI in different ways. Check out EdWeek, Brookings, and educational institutions to read more about how educators are using it.

Each time new technology comes out, there are fears about how it will replace us as educators (Anderson, 2023). Technology will indeed replace some of educators’ functions over time — but not the role of educators. Schooling may look different, but the need to deepen our critical skills, like analytical thinking and creative thinking will be ever present. The World Economic Forum published in the Future of Jobs Report (2023) that predicted skills needed for the next five years in education and training. Those skills included analytical thinking, creative thinking, curiosity, and continuous learner, alongside AI and Machine learning. As educators, we must ask ourselves, are we teaching the students how to function with and beyond AI?

While AI has the potential to be an equalizer, it also has limitations. There are ethical, equity, and safety issues to consider. In an article published by the Brookings Institute (2019), the author poses the challenge that inherent discrimination, including racism, can be embedded in AI. The article reports,“Developers must intentionally build AI systems through a lens of racial equity if the technology is going to disrupt the status quo.” Ethical issues are also important to consider, such as privacy and bias, particularly in decision-making.

Technological disruption will continue to accelerate, so what can you do? Where can you start?

  1. Familiarize yourself with AI. Explore and try out different AI tools. EdWeek recently published an article where educators shared the pros and cons of AI in their classroom. Teachers discussed ways in which AI is helpful and other ways they found it not to be helpful. Remember, as we integrate AI, what’s most important is that it requires human interaction. Consider the interaction you’re bringing into the space. Leverage critical thinking skills and curiosity. Learn how to best leverage AI tools by asking good prompts. And have conversations with peers and educators who are using AI. Make your own pro/con list for yourself. Consider taking a course: Many organizations are offering free courses — check out Google and AI for All.
  2. Develop a vision and goals for AI. As a school and classroom community, discuss expectations for using AI responsibly. Consider: What are the community goals for education? How will we teach new technologies? How will we integrate AI into our classroom? There’s an exciting opportunity to dream about how to meaningfully shift our schools, not just because of AI but because the world is changing. It’s time to collectively examine and consider new ways of schooling that are more equitable for all students.

AI is here and has the potential to make a meaningful impact on education. What steps will you take?


Harvard EdCast: Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence. (2023, February 9). Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Pazzanese, C. (2020, December 4). Ethical concerns mount as AI takes bigger decision-making role. Harvard Gazette.

Perry, A. M., & Lee, N. T. (2022, March 9). AI is coming to schools, and if we’re not careful, so will its biases. Brookings.

The Future of Jobs Report 2023. (2023, April 30). World Economic Forum.

West, D. M., & Allen, J. R. (2023, May 22). How artificial intelligence is transforming the world. Brookings.

Will, M. (2023, January 13). We Gave ChatGPT 5 Common Teaching Tasks. Here’s How Teachers Say It Did. Education Week.

