Looking for a job, interview number one (in progress)

August 2016

Camilo Koch
Innovation for China
2 min readSep 11, 2016


I participated in an interview for a Design Manager position in Shenzhen. The design company, Hachi Asia, works for a client named Propel; “developing drones” for Star Wars as their major achievement. While visiting Propel’s office, I realized they were only creating packaging and doing nothing else than putting parts from other producers together and sending them to the United States. I got told they wanted to knock down DJI; I mind-laughed. Zero innovation for China; just another company exploiting cheap labor. Thanks for not taking my application further.

Hachi Asia was super nice from the very beginning. My application was viewed the same day I applied, and I was contacted through LinkedIn on the next day, after 23 hours, and asked to send my portfolio to Janet. After two hours, I sent my portfolio, and Janet answered me 5 days after, indicating me that her boss wanted to interview me on Skype.

We agreed to virtually meet; I had to adjust my schedule, look for a place with estable internet connection and quiet enough, but I didn’t see the difference of placing a WhatsApp call or WeChat video-call. This was the first red flag for me; the company was lead by very outdated-minded boss who still sits in front of a computer to communicate with someone.

After struggling with all the connection issues, because part of the Skype services seems to be blocked in China, we were able to talk for about an hour. I was offered with two possible positions and asked to email my preferences during the upcoming week to him.

My decision was clear; I sent the email and proposed a visit to Shenzhen; which he agreed. After taking a train for several hours, I arrived to Shenzhen at the evening. On the next morning, I got into an Uber, and arrived to the office. I was confused; no indications, no office name. I asked a guard who said that there were many design offices around; that only raised my preoccupation. After finding a small corridor and following the stairs to the second floor, I was in front of a lugubrious glass door.

