What do I believe in

Camilo Koch
Innovation for China
1 min readOct 14, 2016

I believe in the power of understanding yourself first, to then, trying to understand others. It’s nearly impossible to do it in the opposite direction; you will just mess it up. I believe in many things, which I ordered to accommodate its understanding.

  • Progress; I love making things evolve
  • Mistakes; they make us human
  • Procrastination; or thinking
  • Having troubles; they remind us how human we are
  • Children and their creativity; this is my primary source of inspiration
  • The power of memories (I want to bring them back now that I can, and set them all together)
  • Freedom: which I define as doing what I want every day
  • Choosing a boss is much more important than selecting a job
  • Family as the primary support for life
  • Improvising when doing presentations; and when you are not
  • Execution, which is everything; contrary to ideas, which are easy
  • Doing great stuff first; without worrying about money
  • Doing what everyone else is not doing; if you are doing what everyone else is doing, you are doing it wrong
  • We all have the same starting point

