Who am I

Camilo Koch
Innovation for China
4 min readJul 26, 2016

The purpose of this book is entirely personal discovery. However, I presume in future, it might benefit someone else. On the way of finding who I am, I have reached certain points when applying for job positions, which had seized me to describe myself. Next, is the result of many hours trying to figure out how to explain to strangers my abilities, skills, and emotions; utilizing simple words.

I’m a multi-disciplined designer innovator and a left-handed economist who possesses a superior capacity to imagine, create, analyze, organize, and communicate; giving immaculate attention to details

I enjoy solving complex problems and working with talented people on a daily basis in a unique atmosphere that encourages me to pursue ideas that matter. In my spare time, I’m a Super Mario virtuoso

I love creating original content that people care about, black and white, iterating, and translating the complex. I’m seeking for a full-time senior level position in product design or service design in the innovation field

I felt that describing whom I am needed some context, so I decided to create a timeline to describe one important event per year since the year I was born until the present one.


1986 Born in Chile

1987 Celebrated my second birthday and discovered I was left-handed

1988 Got my first drawing book; got my first model car and found my backyard dust

1989 Got my first calligraphy book and learned how to write

1989 Learned how to speak; started kinder garden

1990 Made my first voice recording; started primary school. Got my first telescope

1991 Got an NES and finished Super Mario Bros 3 infinite times

1992 Got a mountain bike confusing the back break with the front one

1993 Got my first 286 computer with Hercules graphics

1994 Played my first computer game: Accolade Grand Prix Circuit

1995 Played my second computer game: Prince of Persia

1996 Created a .bat file able to format a hard disk and formatted a friend’s hard disk

1997 Danced and fell off stage. Broke a hand

1998 Opened a shop at my garden to sell second-hand products people donated

1999 Got my second computer; created my first website on Geocities; got a PS1

2000 Got a Dreamcast and played online through dial-up. Utilized Kazaa for the first time

2001 Purchased a Gameboy Advance SP. Age of Empires II year

2002 Sent an email from iam@billgates.com to my best friend; got banned from computer class

2003 Graduated from High School

2004 Began and left Engineering School and loved programming. Purchased my first Macbook

2005 Began Design School. Designed shoes and sold them out

2006 Got my second Macbook. Began working for a small printing house

2007 Learned Rhinoceros and Maya. Fell in love with the iPhone

2008 Learned Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. Got a black Nintendo Wii

2009 Graduated with a Bachelor’s in Design

2010 Moved to China

2011 Got my fist Macbook Pro

2012 Graduated with a Master’s degree in Business. Co-founded a culture association

2012 Got a red Nintendo Wii and my second telescope. Flew a drone for the first time

2013 Started teaching. Started InnovationforChina.com. Opened a drones store in Chile

2014 Got my second Macbook Pro. Got a PS4

2015 Graduated with a Ph.D. in Management. Spoke at a Cleaner Production Conference in Spain about Chinese consumers’ preferences for imported products. Suspected I could had been an artist. Started teaching photography. Created a company and developed a consumption product for China

2016 Traveled to Japan. Got tons of videogames. Left my business. I enrolled at the gym. Started teaching economics and microfilm production. Embarked on a vision quest, writing and filming to discover who am I. Re-founded InnovationforChina.com as an open-access book

2017 Moved to Shanghai and worked for free. This strategic movement was the most important one from all my life; it was the catalyst I needed to start discovering who I was.

2017 Worked for cheap in a Chilean Winery as a Designer. This period answered to a basic need of settlement. It worked good and lasted enough to land my second job in Shanghai.

2018 Created a YouTube video that got attention and changed the path; I landed my second job in a drone company. I got rejected from a smaller drone company back in 2016.

2018 Started a Facebook Show to explain the process of finding who you are and getting your dream job or building your dream career.

2018 I currently work as Global Marketing Manager.

As a closing paragraph, I added some extra information. Which personally, I believe more valuable than anything else. Closing with something valuable is, I think, the most important part of any conversation.

A little more

I’m a superfan of Tidiness and Simplification, Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation, Design Innovation Process, Reverse Innovation, Product Customization, and Material Design

I’m an expert in trespassing insights of thinking, or “rationales,” which contains plenty of extra value that design itself cannot reveal. Check my full profile on LinkedIn and/or reach me now at iamnotstevejobs@me.com

I have written this short section as an efficient way to answer the question of recruiters, which I have found in multiple formats: “tell us about you,” “give us some background information,” and “tell us about your interests.”

