Cut and Cut Quickly with Annette Muller

Adrian Calma
Innovation Friday
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2020

Annette was recognized by Forbes as one of the ‘top 10 female tech founders to watch In Africa’ back in 2014. She is an international speaker inspiring people and companies all around the world to do things differently. Currently she the founder of flexyforce, the easiest way to onboard, contract and manage payouts — for any kind of supplier.

In this episode, about lessons learned the hard way and what it means to be an entrepreneur and leader when the company is in hot water.

Advice from Annette

The best work and ways of achieving a goal is to actually just remain incredibly focused and do one thing at a time and do it really well rather than running around like a headless chicken.

This was one piece of advice. Annette also shares with us her experience, when she had to decide if she continues with her co-founder or not.
We also discuss about the importance of protecting the business.

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Adrian Calma
Innovation Friday

Previous mission: PhD in computer science. Current mission: build a successful startup and support other innovators. Passionate about ML and its applications.