Get focused with Chris Bello

Adrian Calma
Innovation Friday
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2020

Chris Bello is an entrepreneur, a real estate investor and agent. He is also hosting the Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast.
In this episode, we talk about how to stay motivated, routines, and hard decisions.

Advice from Chris

Get focused. Many new entrepreneurs, they fall for shiny object syndrome. They try drop shipping and then they read a book on affiliate marketing, and then they try to create a niche website, and then the next day they find real estate wholesaling and people are just changing.

You know, they’re changing direction every single day. And if you’re changing every month or two on and trying something new, you’re never going to be successful. You have to pick something and stick with it.

This was the first piece of advice. He also elaborates on finding a mentor, adding value to others, having a morning routine, and networking.
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Adrian Calma
Innovation Friday

Previous mission: PhD in computer science. Current mission: build a successful startup and support other innovators. Passionate about ML and its applications.