How To Powerfully Implement Innovation​​

Innovation Heroes
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022

Innovation Heroes Episode. 4 with Daniel Greenberger on the Inclusive Energy Prize, Team Dynamics, and Pathways to Sustainable Community Models.

Daniel Greenberger, star HeroX Innovator and CIO of Affordable Community Energy Services Company

Adam and Daniel discuss how his team discovered the Inclusive Energy Challenge prize challenge on HeroX, how it was exactly what his team had been dreaming up, and how the prize challenge became the impetus for them to start the planning process (and ultimately become a Phase 1 winner).

Daniel Greenberger is building a development path for individual and business networks with a big hairy audacious goal of creating revolutionary community models, starting with Imani Green Works. He is also a HeroX Innovator and is leading his team through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusive Energy Challenge hosted here on HeroX.

Daniel is also the Chief Innovation Officer of Affordable Community Energy Services Company after leaving a successful career in advertising. Being a creative and then learning about creativity has served him well in his work with mission-driven partnerships.

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Innovation Heroes Buzzsprout Podcast — Episode 4

Paving the way for #inclusiveenergy! This week’s Innovation Heroes segment welcomed Daniel Greenberger, CIO of ACES to discuss his path to participation in the DOE’s Inclusive Energy Prize Challenge, the importance of team dynamics when competing, and a vision for the future for Imani Village as a model for sustainable communities that serve economic, social and environmental justice goals.

In this episode, Adam and Daniel Greenberger discuss innovating for energy solutions:

  1. Development Paths for the Individual and Business Networks
  2. Advertising Creative to Creating Value in Affordable Housing
  3. Two kinds of problems: Find the One That Matters
  4. Team Group Dynamics & Culture in Innovating
  5. We’re going to do this whether we win or not.

Connect with Daniel:

Twitter: @dangreenberger LinkedIn: Daniel Greenberger

Resources: Affordable Community Energy Services Company | eBOOK: A Playground of Ideas — Daniel Greenberger

Imani Green Works! Community Justice & Innovation, Chicago, IL — a coalition of nine organizations working to create a minority-owned, minority-managed company to provide clean energy workforce development programs for historically disenfranchised residents of Chicago’s Pullman Community and Washington Heights neighborhoods, and conduct community workshops to foster grassroots innovation in climate-smart projects.

🔉Thank you for checking out Episode #4 of the Innovation Heroes series!

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🔉 About the Innovation Heroes podcast

The Innovation Heroes series covers all things open innovation, crowdsourcing, and remote work. It’s time to open up the airways, share strategies, engage partners, and leverage the power of crowd intelligence to expedite solutions to the pressing problems facing every level of organization, individuals, and the world. The key word here is OPEN.

We’re bringing our partners in innovation, organizations who have run their own crowdsourcing projects, innovator powerhouses, and remote work legends into the spotlight. There is a global network ready to contribute time, energy and intelligence to just about any challenge that comes their way. All we need to do is provide the opportunity. Thank you for being a part of the solution. Discover the Power of the Crowd

About Adam Olsen | Connect

Adam is your Podcast Host and Possibilities Manager at HeroX, connecting with innovation leaders from around the world to gain insights on how they approach innovation, the technologies they’re most excited about, and how these innovations impact their industries.

HeroX is a platform and open marketplace for crowdsourcing innovation that allows anyone, anywhere, to solve everyday business and world challenges using the power of the crowd.

Connect with Adam: LinkedIn,

Your Crowd. Your Solution.

Originally published at



Innovation Heroes

HeroX is a crowdsourcing platform that allows anyone to create a challenge or submit to a challenge.