Expanding Public Transportation

1 min readFeb 18, 2013

In a rapidly developing nation like India, I live in the most urbanized state, Tamilnadu(TN). I reside in the capital Chennai, formerly known as Madras. 53% of the populace of TN lives in urban setting than rural. Contrast that with average of 70% of Indians in the rest of the country that live in rural settings.

Two local train services are expanding and a spanking new Metro is coming and will start services by 2015. However, car population has been leapfrogging. Traffic holdups are now part of day to day life. The contribution of vehicle emissions adds to the cities temperature woes. Summer highs can be anywhere between 105 -118'F.

The primary question is this: What else can the government do to curb use of personal vehicles for everyday commute, say from home to work and vice-versa.

