How Blockchain is Transforming the Banking and financial place

Ashiqe Azeez
Innovation Incubator
2 min readSep 9, 2020


Are you in the banking or finance sector? Want to make transactions safer and more secure?

Blockchain technology has brought the finance and banking sectors a new form and a new era

By taking its place primarily in financial services, cross-border payments and digital identification and authentication, blockchain has proved to be of greater assistance.

Why Blockchain in Finance is Needed:

The finance industry is intended to enhance accountability, transaction accuracy, confidence, and contracts, The blockchain technology and its decentralized ecosystem will bring the much-needed advantage they are looking for to the banking systems.

Benefits of Blockchain in Finance?

Digitization guarantees data integrity and allows asset provenance and complete transaction details in one common source of truth


It is one of blockchain’s properties that keeps identities secure by trying to make the transactions only noticeable on the network and away from fraud.


Blockchain technology can cut transaction costs, create mutual trust, and empower decentralized networks, potentially turning into a new framework for decentralized business models. This allows access to all members, making it a central authority to all the members involved who run it.


The widely celebrated immutability of Blockchain ensures that data cannot be manipulated by unscrupulous individuals, or it refers to that particular feature of a blockchain that makes sure that data once added cannot be alteredImmutability is a definitive feature of a blockchain as it has the ability to redefine the overall data auditing process and bring more trust and integrity to the data.

Blockchain Applications in Finance?

Cross-border transactions

Cross-border, blockchain transactions will make the process quicker, more reliable, and less costly.

Trade finance platforms

Blockchain trade finance platforms to build smart contracts between the participants, boost productivity and increase transparency

Digital identity search

When customer identity information is secured using blockchain, banks can increase public trust while protecting against theft and dramatically speeding up the verification process.

Credit reporting

Blockchain-based credit scoring is safer than conventional server-based reporting, as shown by recent security breaches.


Blockchain, entering the current scenario, could solve a lot of problems while making the system more transparent, easy to access, and secure. In addition, blockchain is one such distributed ledger, which is open to everyone on the network. But, if any information is stored on the blockchain system, it is almost impossible to change or modify it.

