Speed up your image heavy website.

Pranav Tk
Innovation Incubator
2 min readJul 2, 2020

1. Resize your image

<img src="image.jpg" alt="full size image" width="200" height="200"/><img src="resized_200x200_image.jpg" alt="resized image"/>

2. Optimize your image

JPG, PNG and GIF are the most common image formats being used currently
on the web. There is another relatively new image format called WebP that
combines the best of these image formats.

3. Build for mobile

Data suggests that almost 60% of the global traffic originates from mobile
devices. With responsive image tags, using the ‘srcset’ and the ‘sizes
attributes of the img tag

4. Load fewer resources

Use lazy loading for your images. Lazy loading basically means that we
defer loading of images that are not required immediately.

5. Use a good CDN for image delivery

