Why Every Startup Should Know About Building a Minimum Viable Product

Innovation Incubator
Innovation Incubator
5 min readFeb 5, 2021

Minimum viable product what is it?

A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a product with suitable properties to attract early adopter clients and validate a product concept early in the development cycle of the product. The MVP will help the product team gain customer reviews as soon as possible to iterate and develop the product in industries such as app development.

Why is it so important?

It’s also crucial for the team to identify what the customer group would be in. This is also a highly selective category with the ability to become early adopters and therefore to be more tolerant of the shortcomings of a product than those who are attached to more developed technology. This community will be used to gain input on the MVP and define the strategic path for the production of more goods.

Startups and MVPs

Did you know that about 90% of the world’s start-ups are failing? In their search to advertise their new technologies, start-ups that often include entrepreneurs also face the problem of limited capital.

There are thousands of products that are created and no one cares about. Creation may have many excellent features, but building features in search of a problem do not support a creation. To a very large degree, creating an (MVP) minimum viable product will save you both time and money, but it’s not an excuse to create a bad product. Manufacturing an MVP means thinking about all the possibilities your product will accomplish.

The real advantage of a minimum viable product is that we can create something that will resolve your public’s initial concern in a timely matter. When designing a product, the idea of MVP can be safely used. It is important because it takes days or months to complete the entire product, decide what are the minimum specifications that will work with your user base and release it, then move on with another phase that will develop your product. MVP is not only for our product enhancement but can also be used to save a massive amount of workload.

Benefits of MVP

• Without having to use a large amount of money to produce the full product, you can test your understanding of whether the product is needed.

• By using rapid iteration to deliver that, you will accelerate the team’s learning about what the client really wants/needs.

• By concentrating on a minimum number of features for launch, you can minimize the number of wasted hours spent by your development team.

• You will go to the market quicker and hence, hopefully, begin to grow sales revenues faster than if you are designing the final product for launch that is completely featured.

• If other businesses are considering joining the market you are focused on, you will gain a competitive advantage.

Testing Approaches

Every kind of product needs a different kind of testing; this is applicable for the Minimum Viable Product Strategy too.

1. Websites and Applications

Building a website for it and then purchasing traffic to that website is one of the easiest methods for measuring demand for a product. The website is not fully featured, but rather a mockup that outlines what will be accessible and encourages clients to click for more detail. To assess the amount of interest in the product, the number of clicks is compared to visitor numbers.

2. Utilities

The best way to assess whether you should be going to market service is not to produce the product for service delivery, but rather to conduct the service for someone and try to measure how much they will be able to pay for that service. To obtain an accurate measure of this willingness, this can be done several times.

3. New Features

It would be wise to advertise the new function on an existing website and include a connection for more details before creating new functionality for an existing product. The relation clarifies that the function is currently undergrowth. An assessment of visitor clicks would again provide a fair understanding of the need for such a function before production begins.

Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a Minimum Viable Product

Here are some common mistakes that might prevent you from creating your next MVP.

Inexperienced Team

You can’t just create the MVP product with just a handful of developers or just a designer. You will need an experienced team to produce an exquisite MVP.

What many startups lack is a strong and experienced team. This is the key reason why many careers in start-ups/organizations come to an end before they even begin.

Building a Perfect Product

Many clients dislike the idea of product sketches. They just want to perceive something that looks flawless and complete. But, have you thought about what would happen if the audience rejects the product? Then you would have wasted all the time, resources, and money you put into building a product. The idea of designing your MVP product is to have a precise function for your audience with a common understanding of how your product would work or look like. Only to attract your audience, you don’t need to create a product with all these features.

Ignoring Customers Feedbacks

Always listen carefully to the feedback provided by your prospective customers, when you create a product for users to make their lives easier, this step is crucial. If they want to give you some input on the product’s unique characteristics they don’t like, then try to ask them what’s wrong with it, and then try to accurately fine-tune your product.

The point of the MVP is to find out if your idea is viable-that individuals are actually willing to pay for your solution. It’s back to the drawing board if you launch and don’t get the business validation you need. Without risking too much, either way, you have a product that you could easily modify or scrap based on consumer reviews. You now have the validation that you need to pitch to investors and continue to iterate if the launch goes well.



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