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Innovation Insights
Insight from our innovators
Note from the editor

Insight from our innovators

Go to the profile of Imperial Innovations
Imperial Innovations
Working with Imperial College London's staff and students to commercialise their novel ideas and research
Go to the profile of Imperial Innovations
Imperial Innovations
Imperial Innovations builds and invests in technology and healthcare businesses based on IP developed at the UK's leading universities
Go to the profile of Kelsey Lynn Skinner
Kelsey Lynn Skinner
Fascinated by nexus of tech, psychology and innovation. Spent a decade in Silicon Valley and now focused on building new UK companies with Imperial Innovations.
Go to the profile of Mark Hammond
Mark Hammond
Founder at @deepsciventures creating a new paradigm for applied science. Ex-neuropharmacologist & AI researcher.
Go to the profile of Jeremy Holmes
Jeremy Holmes
Savvy multilingual IP professional, pianist, music lover, foodie and scientist. All views are of course my own :-)
Go to the profile of David Barreto Ian
David Barreto Ian
I'm a blue head floating in a sea of grey... myst(eerie)ous!
Go to the profile of Dominic Falcão
Dominic Falcão
Clumsy monomaniac
Go to the profile of Tony Hickson
Tony Hickson
Managing Director of Technology Transfer of Imperial Innovations. These are my personal views and musings about technology transfer, not those of my employer.