Actionable Innovations Conversations Shownotes: Dr. Jessica Marshall

Lucy Gray
Inspiring Global Actionable Innovations
4 min readFeb 5, 2022

Winter Series 2022 — Week 3

Dr. Jessica Marshall

Dr. Jessica Marshall is one of the newest members of our Actionable Innovations professional learning community and on February 4th, she gave us an overview of her life’s work which has included working in schools, startups, media companies, and policy organizations. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at Pace University, and as her former colleague and AI co-founder don buckley observed, the classroom is where Jessica can effect change. Jessica mentioned that she’s trying to figure out how to be helpful to schools, and I personally identified with that as I try to re-imagine my professional life. How do experienced educators, particularly ones with integrity and a passion for excellence, find environments in which they can help schools truly innovate? This session was a great opportunity to get to know Jessica and we appreciate the time that she spent with us!

We did not record this session so that we could have a truly candid conversation about the state of education, but many excellent resources were shared during our wide-ranging conversation touching on Finnish schools, school choice in Wisconsin, and more.

Here are a few sites mentioned including the first two which are organizations that Jessica is personally involved in.

As our PLC continues to develop, I find that I am really looking forward to our Friday Actionable Innovations Conversations. These informal meet-ups are a great way to end the week and I think those who attend are expanding their professional learning networks. Please consider joining us just on a drop-in basis on Fridays or if you want to get involved in contributing more to our community, check out our onboarding process. We also are open to guests who want to share their work with our group as well. Guest speakers do not necessarily need to prepare anything formal; we are a pretty low-key group!

I’d like to point out that this week Greg Bendis-Grab published a new piece on Inspiring Actionable Innovations detailing an essential skill for innovation. Please read, share, and clap for it here on Medium!

Next week on February 11, we will be hosting three exciting entrepreneurs who will be sharing their approaches to entrepreneurship in secondary education.

Register here.

Then, on February 18th, Apple Distinguished Educator Steve Douglass with share details about his innovative Chicago Summer Stories multimedia project. And we’ve just announced two more AI Conversations for March. Dr. Gary Stager will join us on March 4th and Alefiya Master will be our guest on March 11th. Alefiya is the founder and CEO of MAD-learn, an app development program for students. We are thrilled about all of these upcoming Actionable Innovations Conversations!

Register today for our future events.



Lucy Gray
Inspiring Global Actionable Innovations

Apple Distinguished Educator Lucy Gray is an educator and consultant. She is also the co-founder of Actionable Innovations Global PLC!