Actionable Innovations Conversations Shownotes: Suzie Boss

Lucy Gray
Inspiring Global Actionable Innovations
2 min readJan 29, 2022

Winter Series 2022 — Week 2

Suzie Boss

This issue contains the shownotes for our January 22, 2022, conversation with suzieboss.

As always, we would like to express our gratitude to Suzie for taking the time to share her expertise with our professional learning community. Suzie is a prolific writer and educational consultant, and her work has focused on project-based learning and educational innovation in general. Her newest book is Redefining Student Success; Ken Kay of Partnership for 21st Century Learning fame is her co-author. It is an essential and practical guide for school teams interested in moving their school or district forward. The authors recommend how to use the book:

This book unpacks the methodology to lead your school system and community through a change process that will produce tangible results. Transformation starts with a backward design process, informed by diverse stakeholders, to develop a POG [portrait of a graduate]. This becomes your community’s North Star. With a clear vision, you will keep the focus squarely on student outcomes even if you must make seismic shifts in your schools systems to reach them.

Here are some other resources mentioned during this Actionable Innovations Conversation.

Next week, Dr. Jessica Marshall will be our featured guest. According to AI co-founder don buckley, his former colleague and Pace University adjunct professor is brilliant, and we look forward to learning more about her work. Please register and share registration info with your networks!

If you’d like to learn more about our Actionable Innovations professional learning community, take a look at these links and follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and Medium!



Lucy Gray
Inspiring Global Actionable Innovations

Apple Distinguished Educator Lucy Gray is an educator and consultant. She is also the co-founder of Actionable Innovations Global PLC!