WONDER WANDERS in the Innovation in Chemistry classroom

don buckley
Inspiring Global Actionable Innovations
3 min readMay 2, 2023

Providing opportunities for students to discover science through their surroundings

This is part of my ongoing experimentation on how to deliver chemistry topics to students in a more engaging and contextually relevant way.

It is common for innovators to have ‘Wonder Wanders’ when they get ‘stuck’ and can’t seem to move forward with the problem they are trying to solve. I started to use the ’Wonder Wander” methodology in my Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking classes to help my students to hone up on their observation skills and to ‘notice stuff’. I decided to bring this methodology into my Innovation in Chemistry class, but the charge to students was to wander and notice ‘science stuff’, record it in their notebook or snap a photograph it and then come back to class an do a deeper dive into the science of what they noticed.

What is a Wonder Wander?

A “wonder wander” is a type of journey that is characterized by curiosity, exploration, and a sense of wonder. It is a journey that is not about reaching a specific destination, but rather about experiencing the journey itself.

A wonder wander can take many forms. It can be a physical journey, such as a hike through a new forest or a trip to a foreign country. It can also be a more internal journey, such as a time of self-reflection or a period of spiritual exploration.

No matter what form it takes, a wonder wander is a journey that is all about discovery. It is a journey that allows us to learn more about ourselves, the world around us, and the possibilities that are out there.

Here are some tips for taking a wonder wander:

  • Be open to new experiences.
  • Don’t be afraid to get lost.
  • Take your time.
  • Be present in the moment.
  • Let your curiosity guide you.
  • Enjoy the journey!
examples of Wonder Wanders

A students interpretation of a Wonder Wander:

We began our Wonder Wanders in the first week of class and to me this was an entirely new concept. I was a bit hesitant at first because I had never been in a class where there wasn’t a set curriculum, but I quickly began to like it because being able to have a tailored curriculum made learning about chemistry, something I really love but easily stressed about, so much more enjoyable. Essentially a Wonder Wander is an opportunity to wander around a space we are very familiar with, or a completely new space and try to apply or find the chemistry around us. The first few wonder wanders were before we had fully began the class so we would wander to find chemistry around the building to discover interests we wanted to explore in the class. One of my favorite places to wander to was the chemistry lab and the nurses office because I was able to find topics that were super interesting and made me excited to learn more about in class. The Wonder Wanders also gave the students a chance to question everything around us and be able to recognize the things we were learning about right next to us, which was a very cool experience.

When it comes to Wonder Wanders in Science, it definitely helps students notice science in their surroundings, which then provides a springboard for a deeper dive.

