This Summer in the Lab

Chris Demmons
Innovation Lab [Makerspace @ SPC]
2 min readAug 12, 2015

Summer term at St. Petersburg College runs from May until July and the lab has been red hot all summer long.

At the end of May we hosted a workshop on Arduino by Dylan Harvey. Arduino is the glue that connects together the Internet of things (along with a little bit of code) — we all had a great time! Thanks again to Dylan for coming in.

Dylan Harvey showing off Arduino.

Starting in June, the lab in cooperation with the Seminole Recreation Center and SPC’s College for Kids program held our first ever Maker Boot camp. Kids aged 10 to 14 gained hands-on experience with video game design, 3D design/printing, robotics, circuitry, built an analog synthesizer with littleBits, and more.

Summer 2015 Maker Boot Camp. Photo credit: Chad Mairn.

You can see the 3D printing slideshow here.

We also received our Oculus Rift and Leap Motion development kits, and had lots of eager volunteers to try them out.

iLab volunteer Brandon Conyers suiting up a boot camp student. Photo credit: Chad Mairn
iLab volunteer Brandon Conyers enters the Matrix with the Oculus Rift.

While members of our boot camp were making new friends, so were we. This summer we partnered with FLA STEM, and became an official littleBits chapter. We also had the opportunity to show Boy Scout Troop 371 around the lab.

Boy Scouts pioneering the future in the SPC Seminole Innovation Lab. Photo credit Chad Mairn.
On the final day of Maker Boot camp via Chad Mairn’s Instagram.

It’s been a great summer, but we can’t wait for fall. Join us in LI 201 for the latest in tech this term. Our lab is made possible by the work of awesome volunteers, come in and see us to get signed up.



Chris Demmons
Innovation Lab [Makerspace @ SPC]

Reporter, and photographer for @TheSandboxN. This is my personal account, my opinions are my own.