Riding the wave of Flow — flourishing in a dynamic world

Sue Waddell
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2023

“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Diving into the world of flow and flourishing feels a bit like uncovering a secret recipe for doing your best work and feeling great while doing it. But what is it exactly and how do you catch the “flow” wave?

I came across the concept a while back as I explored ways to improve myself in this every changing world. I was trying to think of how to keep abreast of things without the weight of all that can happen to us is this complex world — from both a personal and professional perspective. Then I came across this concept of “flow” as a way to stay focused on what was important with a sense of progressively moving forward. Like many others, I now come to think of flow as being “in the zone” — that sweet spot where everything just clicks.

Back in the 1970s, a guy named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (yeah, it’s a mouthful) coined the term, flow. In simple words, flow is about getting so wrapped up in what you’re doing that you lose track of time, distractions fade away, and you just nail whatever you’re working on, effortlessly. Whether you’re playing a sport, painting, grinding away at work, or just having a deep chat with a friend, that “in the zone” feeling is flow at its finest. Given all the distractions we face today, finding our flow and holding onto it is more important than ever. It’s like finding a superpower we never knew we had!

Csikszentmihalyi talked about this cool thing called “flow” but since then it has taken off as a way to keep moving forward no matter what it is that you do. He suggest its an ultimate point when optimum productivity is achieved — being so into what you’re doing that you’re at your absolute best. In this state, everything moves smoothly and all the elements of achieving that “smooth” running, just comes together nicely — well that’s flow. But how would that work if it happened in all facets of your life? In this case, we are referring to “flourishing.”

Flourishing is that awesome flow feeling spread across everything in life: your social life, money matters, health, community, and job, for example. It goes beyond happiness or satisfaction and encompasses a holistic sense of thriving and flourishing — not unlike the ultimate flow.

Flow and Flourish

In practical terms, flow isn’t just about nailing a game of basketball or painting a masterpiece. It can pop up anywhere — at work, hanging out with friends, or even just doing day-to-day stuff. When we’re in that zone, everything just seems to work, and we feel amazing. Now imagine living with this kind of energy in all facets of your life — not being stuck and being ready for whatever the world throws our way.

As our world keeps changing (and boy, is it changing fast), being in flow becomes even more essential. It’s has become the secret weapon for the ups and downs of the 21st century, even becoming a niche practice to help others catch the wave of what it means to flow and flourish.

When we experience flow, we reach new levels of productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. A high-flow lifestyle lives beyond the immediate moment. Like Neo in the matrix, you are able to anticipate, with instinct, because with continuous practice, you simply know how to flow through the complex web of life itself.

Flow allows you to flourish in a complex, exponential, ever-changing world anchored in purpose and meaning and here six (6) reasons why:

1. Heightened Focus & Enhanced Productivity

Ever had one of those days where you’re so into what you’re doing that you forget to check your phone or even take a lunch break? That’s flow for you. It’s like having tunnel vision, but in a good way. You’re so zoned in that distractions just don’t stand a chance. There’s actually this 10-year-old study from McKinsey that found out top execs were doing stuff five times faster and better when they were in this flow state. So, yeah, it’s kind of a big deal.

2. Unleashing Creativity

Ever wonder how some people come up with those “why didn’t I think of that?” ideas? It’s all about tapping into creativity. Getting into a flow state is like flipping a switch to our brain’s “creative genius” mode. When we’re in the zone, it’s like unlocking a treasure chest of cool, out-of-the-box ideas we didn’t even know we had. And here’s a fun fact: Teresa Amiable from Harvard found out that not only are people more imaginative when they’re in flow, but they’re also still buzzing with creativity the next day. So, flow’s kinda like the gift that keeps on giving!

3. Happiness and Mental Health — feeling good inside and out

You know that warm, fuzzy feeling when everything’s just right? That’s what flourishing is all about. It’s closely linked to feeling genuinely happy and having a solid mental game. When we’re in that sweet flow state, it’s like a mini-vacation for our brains — worries and stress just pack up and leave. Making room for more of these flow moments can seriously boost our overall mood and make for a happier, healthier society. In short, flow is like a daily dose of sunshine for the mind!

4. Building Meaningful Connections

Ever been so wrapped up in a group project or a fun game with friends that you all just clicked? That’s flow in action. When we’re all in the zone together, we connect on a whole new level. Encouraging this flow vibe means we’re setting up genuine, heart-to-heart moments with those around us. It’s like everyone’s in sync, boosting team spirit and understanding. By embracing these shared flow moments, we’re building bridges of compassion and empathy that make the world a better, more connected place. It’s all about togetherness!

5. Going Green with Flow

Alright, let’s talk about our planet for a sec. When we’re vibing with nature, whether hiking in the mountains, gardening or chilling by the beach, that’s flow at its earthy best. These moments make us really appreciate the beauty around us and drive us to take better care of Mother Earth. By championing these nature-filled flow experiences, we’re shaping up a crew of planet-loving folks eager to pave the way for a greener tomorrow. It’s all about pairing that feel-good flow with a love for the environment. Let’s ride the wave towards an eco-friendlier future!

6. Leveling Up with Flow

Think of flow as the ultimate gym workout, but for the mind. When we’re pushing our limits and getting into that groove, we’re not just having a good time; we’re growing and learning about ourselves. By constantly diving into challenges that get us in the zone, we’re opening doors to what we’re truly capable of. It’s like leveling up in a video game, but the game is life, and the rewards? They’re all about discovering the best version of ourselves. So, why not chase that flow and see where it takes us?

Alright, let’s get real for a moment. Flow isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the game-changer we’ve all been waiting for. It’s that magic ticket everyone can grab, and it promises to supercharge our lives in ways we’ve only dreamed of. Want to hit those life goals? Find your flow. Looking for that buzz of happiness and satisfaction? Dive deep into the flow zone. So, here’s the deal: tap into that energy, push for those top-tier moments, and watch as life transforms before your eyes. It’s not just about thriving; it’s about embarking on the ultimate adventure of self-growth and soaring high.

Happy Flowing!



Sue Waddell

Tech humanist: interested in the connection between culture, design and technology and how we can use sense-making and foresight to humanize technology