Become a Writer for the Forward-Thinking Publication

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2021

Innovation Party’s goal is to bring the information and deep insight of disruptive innovation from around the world written by talented writers who are genuinely curious about “what’s new and upcoming”.

Innovation is an endlessly fun topic. It’s what makes us human, ever-evolving beings looking for what’s next.

Innovation Party Topics

We help our readers gain practical and preferably applicable knowledge and compelling point of view to improve their view of innovation and the world.

We prefer stories under the following major topics

  • Disruptive Technologies
  • Deep Business Innovation
  • Awesome Reviews of Compellingly Innovative Products

Recommendable Writing Style

  • Concise and conversational approach. The best design when you don’t have anything else to get rid of. The same goes for writing. Sharing your content with short sentences and paragraphs while keeping the reader engaged with intimate style is something we highly value. Keeping the reader curious for the next sentence with a well-defined storyline.
  • Easy to read and absorb. Short paragraphs. Concise content. No long sentences. Plain language.
  • Practical knowledge and detailed insight. Readers to gain deep insight into the topic once they finish reading feeling fulfilled and more curious about the topic wanting to engage and comment on your story.
  • Short videos. Videos create visual engagement and boost the experience and the learning curve. You’re welcome to add your short videos of explaining your topic and content within your story. 1–5 minute videos would be ideal.

What Innovation Party is Not About

  • Out-of-context content. Focusing on one topic with in-depth insight is recommended so that readers can absorb and “live” in the innovation moment.
  • Too short or too long stories. The ideal length of a story is between 1000 and 1750 words, which takes on average 4–7 minutes to read.
  • Unoriginal content. We only welcome unique and original content. We don’t take responsibility for any written or visual copyright infringements.
  • Not thorough insight. The writer needs to share deep and useful insight regarding the topic. It’s best to put yourself into the shoes of the reader and ask yourself if you’d enjoy reading your story and furthermore, use and share it as a reference for the topic.

Writer Benefits

  • Innovation Party Network. If you are into social and business networking with brilliant people from around the world, you may become a part of Innovation Party community where we will have fun innovating, collaborating and sharing life in general, creating synergy.
  • Work with AwayNear. If you have top design, development, business and/or marketing services, you’d be automatically pre-selected to become a part of the AwayNear team, the digital creative and development agency.

How Often Do You Need to Write

You can write once a week at most and it’s recommended that you publish one story a month at least to grow your Innovation Party audience.

How does Innovation Party Connect with the Audience?

Short answer is email list, social media, AwayNear blog, paid ads and improved SEO for innovative content.

Become an Innovation Party Writer

Application takes a minute and we usually return within 24 hours.

Simply write to me:

In your email, please include the following:

  • Your medium profile URL
  • Your top 3 post links (innovation-based)
  • How often would you like to post on Innovation Party?
  • Would you like your posts to be also included in the Innovation Party Weekly Newsletter — on Linkedin, and Medium.

As you apply including the above, we will be returning to you within a week if we believe you can be a great fit. Then, you can add your first post on Innovation Party always prioritizing quality over quantity.

PS: We need specific topics that focus on high benefits for the reader. We will not accept a general topic with a long story of common ideas and insight. We need applicable and concise insight that feels real and intimate connecting with the reader. Also, each story needs to be between 1000–2000 words with rich content, topics, and images (videos are also a plus).

Thank you and hope that you become a part of the Innovation Party community connecting with a global audience of innovation enthusiasts.

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Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

Into innovation | design | engineering. Sociable traveller. Check out the link to see how I can be helpful: or email: