Building the Perfect Crowdfunding Campaign. The 4 Key Strategies to Maximize the Rewards

As with many things in life, time management and planning in advance are key to success in crowdfunding campaigns. The most important part of your campaign is your pre-campaign marketing and preparation and then, what creates your eventual success is the performance of your campaign in the first few days.

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party


For you to succeed in the first few days. You basically need to build your audience, which means your family, friends, social media, and email list via different sources and landing page need to be ready to pledge as soon as you make your campaign live.

Let’s dive into the 4 key strategies and how you need to time them one by one.

1- Working with Superbackers.

2- Building your audience via a landing page for email marketing.

3- Registering your brand to Gadgetflow

4- Building the campaign design, video, and perks.

1- Working with Superbackers



Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

Into innovation | design | engineering. Sociable traveller. Check out the link to see how I can be helpful: or email: