From Zero to Hero: The 10-Year Overnight Success Story — Examined

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party
Published in
6 min readJan 17, 2023


When we hear stories of overnight success, we often think of lucky breaks and overnight riches. But the reality is that most overnight success stories are the result of years, even decades, of hard work and determination. Let’s take a look at some of the most well-known “overnight success” stories and see how long it really took for these companies and individuals to achieve success.

  • The Biggest 10-Year Overnight Success Stories
  • Personal Traits of the Most Successful 10-Year Overnight Success Entrepreneurs
  • The Incredible Value of Never Giving Up

Tesla. The Worst Case Scenario Becoming Best Business

Who’d have believed in 2003 that an electric car company would have the trajectory to become the biggest company in the world when no electric car company has ever succeeded, the oil industry was the biggest lobby in the world and the last automotive company that was successfully founded was established in the first half of the 20th century.

First on our list is Tesla. The electric car company, founded in 2003 by Elon Musk, is now worth billions of dollars and is considered one of the most innovative companies in the world. But Tesla’s success didn’t happen overnight. In fact…



Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

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