Innovation Party Weekly on Medium— Edition #4

Every week is eventful in this unboring world. We always work on seeing the big picture of yesterweek to build invaluable lessons for our future. Once even the internet was thought to be unnecessary less than 30 years ago and now, a life without internet is incomprehensible. We are so lucky to be alive in this era in which the humanity has taken its biggest leap of technology and it will only get better with the advancement of collaborative internet and humane-AI. Let’s delve into this week’s IP Edition.

Saygin Celen
Innovation Party
7 min readMay 10, 2022


Another week of Johnny Depp trial and the collective intelligence of the internet has already given the verdict that Johnny Depp has won (from the Youtube comments it’s a bit more than 99.9%). We are happy as everyone else even before the official verdict. Officially, Tiktok and Youtube have also become a courtroom of the people maybe for the first time.

About Metaverse. It seems like it’s a hype without a buzz. It seems Meta doesn’t have a focus group and the market research department is either detached from reality or they are overwhelmingly visionary seeing what will actually be the ultimate domination of the Metaverse by 2030 when you can’t really see what’s going to happen next year in the techverse. I wish we could have their data source open-sourced so that we could see the light on the horizon as well.

Elon Musk sums it up well. You don’t want a TV on your nose all the time. Facebook purchased Oculus for $2 billion 10 years ago and it didn’t make much sense. Now that the company lost almost half its value in less than a year (following the change of name) buying a one-way ticket to Metaverse.

They need to make the Goggles either invisible or really small, size matters and they may need to make those goggles $99 or $49 and make money from the service. Somehow freemium is almost always a good business model especially when you are a software company. Is Facebook a hardware company? Probably not.

Internet Shorts

David Letterman asking Bill Gates: “What is this internet thing?”

Let’s move onto this week’s Edition of Innovation Party.

4 Insanely Good Content Creator Tools from the Near Future

Content is King and content creation is both an art and science. You can become successful in content creation over time by using your curiosity to become intelligent about one topic when you are also creative enough, but we only have a limited time in a given day and to stay consistently creative can be incredibly challenging, therefore, top 4 tools to 10x your productivity.

Read the full story here.

How will CRISPR Gene Editing Revolutionize Our Future?

We are on the verge of a health and gene editing revolution. CRISPR, which stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (yes, complicated, but beautiful), a segment of DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences, is involved in the defense mechanisms of prokaryotic organisms against viruses. More simply, if we think of our genes as Google documents, then, with the CRISPR technology, we will be able to edit the document to change the features of the file, which is our DNA. So, what does the future hold? The possibilities are endless.

Read the full story here.

Quote of the Week

Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb: “If the office didn’t exist, I like to ask, would we invent it? And if we invented it, what would it be invented for?”

IP: Even Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt, probably one of the most digital people in the world, believes that human-to-human physical interaction is key to innovation. We need controlled screen (and maybe much less social media screen) time in our lives to not lose who we are. Another approach and the reality is how Zoom lost its value by 80% in less than a year, a complete doping effect of the pandemic.

Brian Chesky’s vision of no-office (no-need) smells like marketing for your home is anywhere where your laptop is and Airbnb is probably the best place for your laptop.

Life is hardly ever 0 or 1 when it’s not about binary computer technology. A hybrid life could become ideal for the future. Nobody ideally wants a cubicle life or living home alone day and night every day. As an industrial engineer would say: we need to optimize it!

How to Launch Your Startup in a Week While Automating Your Content Creation — Part 1

Founding a startup in a week while outsourcing your design, development, and digital and content marketing may sound tedious. With all the sources of outsourcing, you can launch your e-business within a week with 0 employees and 0 technical experience. All you need is a brilliant idea. This is a step-by-step guide.

Read the full story here.


For Content Creators

Jasper AI. Boost Your Productivity with the AI Writer of 2022

Automate your content creation with the top-rated (4.9/5 by 3000+ users) AI Writer, Jasper.

Write blog posts, ad copies, product descriptions, and even books while boosting your productivity 5 times and creating unique content.

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Buy the dip?

Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme or popularity index unruly globalization? Of course not, but what does it do really? Seems the Robin Hood excitement has left the room for Bitcoin for a year now as Elon Musk tweeted Tesla wouldn’t be accepting Bitcoin as payment anymore.

Robin Hood lost over 85% value from its peak. This is a clear indication of the crypto trading volume from general public, don’t you think?

The mysterious thing about the crypto market is that they all follow the same trend. Just see the Coin Market Cap at any moment and seems decisions are made not by humans, but by algorithms, AI, big brother, or whatever we want to name it.

Highlights of the Week

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Saygin Celen
Innovation Party

Into innovation | design | engineering. Sociable traveller. Check out the link to see how I can be helpful: or email: